Sunday, November 30, 2014
That's right, I've done things!!!!! I got things done!!!!! THIS IS REAL LIFE!!!!!!!
As much as I despise the song, "Lazy Song" by Bruno Mars basically sums up my day. I have no motivation. I want to nap. I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I wanna jump off a cliff when I get to Honors Government... I wanna jump off a cliff just because I can....
Welp, my biology homework passed by surprisingly quickly! Now I just have to work on my Stock Market project for Economics and my domestic violence research paper for Morality! Aaaaaaand all the chores my mom has lined up for me...
I also want to try to get some exercise today. It just occurred to me that I'm going to be in Aruba over spring break, which means swimsuits and beaches and stuff...
I also want to try to get some exercise today. It just occurred to me that I'm going to be in Aruba over spring break, which means swimsuits and beaches and stuff...
I wonder if I can match the pageviews I had last month.... I need about 100 more by the end of the day to get there, but I think I can handle that! Maybe. I really don't know. I guess it doesn't make much of a difference in the end, all that matters is that someone, somewhere is reading my blog and knows that I exist, and that's pretty freaking cool.
Ohhh yikes I feel really bad because I've basically ignored my other two blogs all through the past week. I've gotta try to be better about posting on those blogs, but I've just been so so so so busy over break. I mean even my personal blog (this one) hasn't had nearly as many posts on it as per usual! Holidays always kinda mess me up when it comes to my motivation and stuff.
Yesterday I spent the day with Andy which is why I didn't blog at all. It was a fantastic day all around, and I already can't wait to see him again over Christmas break!
Friday, November 28, 2014
Black Friday
Today marked my first Black Friday working, and ohhhh boy was it something. I'm sure it's nothing compared to what workers at larger retailers like Walmart and Target or electronics/toy sellers deal with, but overall there was just a huge amount of people that I dealt with today. Nobody was really rude though, as I had expected them to be. I think a lot of people realized that "Hey, maybe these people have been here since some ungodly hour working and dealing with shitty people so I'm not going to be one of them!" It was pretty sweet.
I got sent home early THANKFULLY. I'm not remotely in the mood to do any work, I'm beyond tired out. However, I need to do SOMETHING since I haven't done a damn thing all Thanksgiving Break.
I got sent home early THANKFULLY. I'm not remotely in the mood to do any work, I'm beyond tired out. However, I need to do SOMETHING since I haven't done a damn thing all Thanksgiving Break.
Yesterday was long, but filled with food and overall very enjoyable. After eating Thanksgiving Lunch/Dinner with my family and celebrating my cousins' birthdays, I napped for awhile and then my dad and I drove home. My sister and mother went Black Friday shopping last night and then this morning. It snowed a ton overnight.
When my dad and I got home, I went and filled my car with gas. Craving a Starbucks chai, I caved into my protest of the Starbucks where I used to work and went in and got one. It was delicious. I also tried it with soy milk and that was also really good! The craziest thing for me was the realization that a year ago that day I had been working the evening shift on Thanksgiving. It was kinda surreal; I've wiped a lot of my experience with Starbucks from my memory. They had a completely new staff working there, so now I don't really need to avoid going there since nobody there knows me anymore.
When I was officially home I took a long nap/played Kim Kardashian Hollywood because I am an addict with no shame, washed some dishes, then made myself mac and cheese with bacon bits. Overall, it was a solid night.
When my dad and I got home, I went and filled my car with gas. Craving a Starbucks chai, I caved into my protest of the Starbucks where I used to work and went in and got one. It was delicious. I also tried it with soy milk and that was also really good! The craziest thing for me was the realization that a year ago that day I had been working the evening shift on Thanksgiving. It was kinda surreal; I've wiped a lot of my experience with Starbucks from my memory. They had a completely new staff working there, so now I don't really need to avoid going there since nobody there knows me anymore.
When I was officially home I took a long nap/played Kim Kardashian Hollywood because I am an addict with no shame, washed some dishes, then made myself mac and cheese with bacon bits. Overall, it was a solid night.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
What I'm Thankful for this Thanksgiving
Since Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I'm in a procrastinating mood right now, I want to go over all the things I'm ever so thankful for. I know I complain a ton, but I'm still very happy with my life. Here is the list, at least off the top of my head.
- I'm thankful for my family, especially my sister, for always being there for me. I'm really gonna miss my sister next year. Even though she annoys me a lot sometimes, she still is my closest friend no matter what.
- I'm thankful for Andy. No matter what happens, he's always there for me and always takes out time in his day for me. He cares about me more than almost anyone else on the planet, and he still is always trying to do more and more for me.
- I'm thankful for "fam," Abby, Dylan, and Tony. They keep me sane and for the first time in my life make me feel like I have constant and consistent friends. Not to mention they're all fantastic people!
- I'm thankful for all my activities and clubs at school. Even when they're stressful, just being a part of Film Club, Theater, Art Club, Food Club, and Newspaper is such a gift and an amazing opportunity.
- I'm thankful for Jasmine, the girl I tutor. She's the absolute sweetest girl on the planet and she makes tutoring so so so so worth it.
- I'm thankful for *most* of my teachers like my AP Bio teacher, my AP English teacher, my Newspaper adviser, and then the teachers who I no longer have in class but still check up with me whenever they see me in the hallways or before and after school, like my AP Euro/APUSH teacher. They make all the sucky things about school suck infinitely less.
- I'm thankful for my roommates from Envision. Even though we don't talk as much as we used to, they're still always there for me whenever I'm having a really difficult time in my life.
- I'm thankful for Netflix and mac & cheese because duh!!!!!
- I'm thankful for my pets, Molly and Oreo. They're hella cute and their cuteness makes even the worst days infinitely better.
This afternoon/evening
This afternoon was pretty ehh, but I learned a lot of new things. I walked my dog with my sister and got my Achilles' Tendon cut so right now it hurts to wear anything on my feet/around my ankles. I went to a laundromat for the first time and successfully washed a giant quilted yard blanket thingy. Then, I spent two and a half hours at the local Country Club's restaurant waiting for what ended up being the worst grilled cheese sandwich I've ever had. Now I'm home for the night, and I think I'm just gonna keep on looking for stuff for my Christmas/Birthday list.
Shopping Shopping Shopping
I basically threw the to-do list I made for myself today out the window, and I've decided to work some more on my Christmas list/stuff for college list. I should probably finish my Loyola Application, but I'm not even remotely in the mood to do that. I also have a scholarship application to do, as well as a few additional outside scholarships that I can work on. Aaaaand there's always the two projects, homework, and research paper that's worth over half of my grade for the semester that I can do....
Or I can put that all off.
Or I can put that all off.
All I can say about yesterday was that it was terrible and I hated every single second of it. On the bright side, I DON'T HAVE SCHOOL TODAY THANK THE POWERS THAT BE! I also don't think I failed my AP Bio test yesterday. That whole thing could've gone infinitely worse.
Everybody in general yesterday was so so mean to each other regarding the whole Ferguson situation. It really upsets me that absolutely nobody can treat people like human beings with dreams, aspirations, hope, and dignity. People talk about the protesters and rioters like they're animals, people talk about Mike Brown as if he's an animal, people talk to other people with differing opinions like they're animals. It's like the whole world forgot that the people around them have value, and that's just wrong.
Everybody in general yesterday was so so mean to each other regarding the whole Ferguson situation. It really upsets me that absolutely nobody can treat people like human beings with dreams, aspirations, hope, and dignity. People talk about the protesters and rioters like they're animals, people talk about Mike Brown as if he's an animal, people talk to other people with differing opinions like they're animals. It's like the whole world forgot that the people around them have value, and that's just wrong.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Apart from that amazing news, today was rough. I had an in-class essay, a test that I forgot I had, and uggggggh Honors Government is the worst. Also, I'm incredibly upset with the fact that there is no such thing as justice since Officer Darren Unarmed-Black-Teenager-Killer Wilson got off scot free. It's just fucked up on so many levels and I can't do justice to discuss it.
I GOT INTO DEPAUL AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My parents are still making me apply to freaking Loyola though, grrrrrrr....
My parents are still making me apply to freaking Loyola though, grrrrrrr....
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Today has been more ehhhhhhh than yesterday; there's no fun online shopping and seeing my friends and stuff and a lot more work/running around. I've been doing AP Bio work all day. Tonight My family is having a little thank you reception for all of my dad's campaign volunteers, so I don't know if I'll be able to blog later or not.
Fam Night
Last night was fam night with Abby and Dylan! Tony wasn't able to make it, unfortunately, but we still had a fun night. The three of us drove to Panera in my car and had dinner. Abby had mac and cheese in a bread bowl with lemonade, Dylan had broccoli cheese soup in a bread bowl with tea, and I had a pick 2 with mac and cheese and the Asian sesame chicken salad with a strawberry smoothie and a chocolate pastry. It was a solid meal.
Through the rest of the night, the three of us watched Bob's Burgers, The IT Crowd, and Skyfall while googling attractive European soccer stars. Overall, it was a wonderful night!
Through the rest of the night, the three of us watched Bob's Burgers, The IT Crowd, and Skyfall while googling attractive European soccer stars. Overall, it was a wonderful night!
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Good Morning!
Right now I'm desperately searching for things to put on my Christmas list- I never know what I want! It's even more difficult because my birthday is a little less than a month after Christmas too, so I may as well just work on both now!
Friday, November 21, 2014
Productive Night
I've made a ton of progress tonight and I'm really proud of myself! I did a ton of research for my essay, updated the spreadsheets for my stock project, found an article of mine that hadn't been published that I could submit as my third newspaper article, cleaned, worked on my Loyola application, and finished writing my AP Bio practice essay for the test on Tuesday! If it wasn't almost midnight, I'd probably study some. I may just look over some of the digital note cards I made for the last quiz since that information will surely be on the test in some way shape or form. I may make real note cards for myself sometime this weekend, and I definitely need to take a practice test online and do any other extra things I can. My grade in that class is hanging on a thread. It's the same thing in AP Stats, but I care a lot more about Bio since I feel like I struggle with it more than Stats, it's all a bunch of recall and there are a ton of high-fallutin' concepts involved. My GPA right now is a 3.999.... I mean come ON........
I'm actually kinda blazing through my to-do list right now... I'm pretty pleased with that, it'll make the weekend much less stressful as well as Thanksgiving Break. One of these projects is due the first day back from break, another the week after that, and my Loyola Application is due December 1st. Plus, I know we're about to start a project in Stats, and we're bound to get a book to read over break for English. On the bright side, Newspaper has been a lot less stressful since we've been spending these past few weeks prepping feature articles and columns and stuff for upcoming issues. It's pretty nice, having that out of the way. It'll be really convenient for planning out issues, as well.
Today was a fairly eventful day! First off, I got a crapton of work to do over the weekend and next week. It's not looking very pleasant right now. I also have about ten gazillion other things to do this weekend and I feel like I'm drowning. I haven't even checked the cast list for the One-Acts yet because I'm so freaking nervous. I hate these feelings. I've got so much work: studying, prepping an AP Bio essay, working on my morality paper, writing a story for newspaper, applying to Loyola, and all my miscellaneous homework... Plus I need to get my schedule for work and that's just gonna be great...
I'm just not feeling today at all; I've been a zombie since I woke up. It's fun. School was definitely something; my friend Tony almost got in a fistfight in morality class because this guy didn't like what he had to say (even though it was absolutely true) and flipped out. If it wasn't for the giant football player holding this guy back, Tony probably would have a black eye right about now. I'm glad he's okay though. Overall, things have just been a cross between stressful and crazy.
I'm just not feeling today at all; I've been a zombie since I woke up. It's fun. School was definitely something; my friend Tony almost got in a fistfight in morality class because this guy didn't like what he had to say (even though it was absolutely true) and flipped out. If it wasn't for the giant football player holding this guy back, Tony probably would have a black eye right about now. I'm glad he's okay though. Overall, things have just been a cross between stressful and crazy.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Still Dead
I'm dying. I still have tons left in my economics packet, plus my parents want me to apply to Loyola now and I just don't have the time! It's all killing me right now, my brain is soup.
It's been an hour. I've finished one and a half math assignments and part of a Bio lab. I still have hella homework left.
Today was also hella hectic. I went straight from school to the last Thursday tutoring session. They too were having a party, but since these kids were older they had some better food. There was still pizza and cookies and pop, but there was also chips and salsa, veggies and hummus, buffalo chicken dip as well as spinach dip, chicken and fettuccine alfredo, pasta marinara, and "Dunkaroo Dip" which was basically an (incredibly delicious) imitation of the frosting that came with beloved 90's treat- Dunkaroos. Then, I drove home, ate a quick dinner, and ran down to work to fill out more paperwork. It was a long, cold process and I'm incredibly tired and I'm in no mood to start my homework. On the bright side, I'll probably be able to work starting on Monday. I'm a little concerned about how the schedule for the One Acts is going to work. I can't help but be nervous, I guess; I don't even know if I have a part in the show yet. I'm beyond nervous about that.
I'm in absolutely no mood to start my homework now, but currently my GPA says that if I don't get to work NOW I'm going to be screwed.
I'm in absolutely no mood to start my homework now, but currently my GPA says that if I don't get to work NOW I'm going to be screwed.
Yesterday was an incredibly hectic day; I was running all over the place! First, I rushed through my audition for the One Acts (which went pretty horribly, by the way) then I went to my last Wednesday tutoring session until late January. They were having a little pizza party, it was cute. After that, I drove out to my grandparents' house for dinner and to work on my homework. I was there for about an hour before I had to leave again to go back to school for Art Club. We got pretty far with the banner, and there was an open house going on at the same time which was interesting. No callback lists were posted for the show.
During the school day, my class got to go into our school's new chapel for a prayer service. I'm not really religious, but the chapel itself is absolutely gorgeous. It doesn't feel like a real part of the school! In the afternoon we had an ALiCE training drill. For those unfamiliar with ALiCE, it basically is the new procedure for what to do in the event of a school shooting/intruder in the school. It's pretty depressing that we have to actually practice that, but the drill itself is actually kinda fun.
Overall, it was a pretty jam-packed day.
During the school day, my class got to go into our school's new chapel for a prayer service. I'm not really religious, but the chapel itself is absolutely gorgeous. It doesn't feel like a real part of the school! In the afternoon we had an ALiCE training drill. For those unfamiliar with ALiCE, it basically is the new procedure for what to do in the event of a school shooting/intruder in the school. It's pretty depressing that we have to actually practice that, but the drill itself is actually kinda fun.
Overall, it was a pretty jam-packed day.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Monologue Practice
I need to type this monologue out so I can remember it better for tomorrow. I don't really feel 100% ready, and after everything that happened with the last show I'm really nervous, so hear me out:
"What I WANT is somebody who not only knows my favorite coffee, but also my soul. Love me? You haven't MET me!
You thought you'd give the girl a thrill for once in her life?! I make my own thrills, darling. Hey, we're having our second fight!
Listen, I have plenty of love. I've got my family! Sure, they drive me crazy, but they love me! And my friends- I have GREAT friends. THEY love me! C'mon, look at what Valerie did for my birthday! I have plenty of love, pal. And I don't need some Don Juan wannabe. Guess what, Harold? We're breaking up. I'll remember the ten minutes we shared together with great fondness. But hey, this isn't half a couple standing here in front of you. I'm a whole couple all by myself! With a great family, incredible friends, and you know what... I even kinda like my job! So if I meet somebody in the end, that's fine! If I don't ALSO FINE! Got it? I don't need you."
Oh my goodness it's been an incredibly hectic day!!!! I've been running around all over the place. First, I finished up 2001: A Space Odyssey in Film Club, then, thinking I had a bunch of extra time, went to Art Club for the first time. Art Club was great! All we did was paint a banner and talk and stuff; it was incredibly soothing. I ended up leaving around 4:30ish. Unfortunately, I forgot that I was planning to go in to work to fill out my paperwork at 5:00 so that they could rehire me! I did go in around 7:00, and I just got home from that. It only took about ten or so minutes. I'm very excited to be back to work again! I'm also planning out a night with Abby, Dylan, and Tony this weekend.
Tomorrow are the auditions for One-Acts. I'm kinda nervous but also kinda excited at the same time. I'm gonna be working hard on that tonight. Possibly harder than I'm going to work on my homework!
Tomorrow are the auditions for One-Acts. I'm kinda nervous but also kinda excited at the same time. I'm gonna be working hard on that tonight. Possibly harder than I'm going to work on my homework!
Monday, November 17, 2014
Today had its ups and downs, but overall it was very dull. My class lost the canned food drive double-throwdown, but on the bright side it helped a lot of people and gave our class a better lead overall. Unfortunately for our senior picnic purposes, a rich alumni's dad donated 10,000 cans to the freshman class because the girl is dating some kid's older brother. It annoys me, but at least it's going towards the greater good.
I fell asleep on and off through most of my classes. It's just been a dull day, nothing good or nothing bad has happened. Now all I have to do is work through homework.
I fell asleep on and off through most of my classes. It's just been a dull day, nothing good or nothing bad has happened. Now all I have to do is work through homework.
Yesterday was absolutely fantastic! Andy and I went out to lunch at Panera and then we went shopping for Christmas presents. I got a bunch of movies for everyone in my family, and I'm going to keep adding to that as it gets closer to Christmas. I think I'll get gourmet popcorn or something like that so there's a cute theme with the presents. Not having to do homework Sunday night was luscious as well.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Evil Apples
While I was procrastinating I got myself addicted to the Evil Apples game. It's a raunchy good time, if you've got the right mind for it.
If you want to add me on it, I'm looking for more friends! My name is eedunnings.
If you want to add me on it, I'm looking for more friends! My name is eedunnings.
I've made a lot of progress on my homework, but I have to knock out the majority of a really really long Honors Government review sheet by 11:00 if I want to spend any meaningful time with Andy tomorrow. Wish me luck...
Ooops I'm going nowhere with my homework but at least I got addicted to Dutch Chocolate Almond Milk.
Hometwerk Update
I've managed to turn around and get a fair amount of my homework done. I still have a ton left, but at least I've made progress! Now I'm going to take a break to make myself dinner. I don't really want to put too much effort into it though. There's gotta be mac and cheese or something I can make.
Newest Blog
That's right- another new blog! I decided that the easiest thing for me to do with this blog would be to combine all my different media interests into one master blog. It's a bit simpler than the others, but as long as I can get my voice out there I'm happy. Here is the link to my multimedia blog!
I've sorta done stuff
It's been several hours and I still haven't done anything except newspaper stuff... I only just stared doing my other work. Way to go, Emily!
Happy Saturday!
It's been a pretty laid-back morning so far. I haven't done very much other than eat toast for breakfast and call a few grocery stores to see if they'll donate cans for my school's canned food drive. My school's canned food drive is one of the biggest events of our school year. We bring in an insane amount of stuff; last year we brought in 47,000 cans! This year the goal is 45,000, and currently we aren't even halfway there yet,it's at something like 13,000 cans. It ends on Monday (although they may have extended it because this year it was shortened), so we're trying to get as many cans as possible for Monday. The grade that brings the most cans in gets a picnic at the end of the year (aka the senior picnic).
In addition to the hopes of reaching that goal, part of the canned food drive is the competition between first period classes to bring in the most cans. It's a general schoolwide competition, but most classes don't really care about that. What's really fun are the individual class throwdowns. My class has already done (and won) one, and currently we are involved with the first ever tag-team throwdown consisting of four senior classes teamed up against each other. No matter who wins this, it could easily cinch the senior class picnic for us.
Despite all the fun competitive stuff, the best part of the canned food drive is being able to help so many people with all of that food.
In addition to the hopes of reaching that goal, part of the canned food drive is the competition between first period classes to bring in the most cans. It's a general schoolwide competition, but most classes don't really care about that. What's really fun are the individual class throwdowns. My class has already done (and won) one, and currently we are involved with the first ever tag-team throwdown consisting of four senior classes teamed up against each other. No matter who wins this, it could easily cinch the senior class picnic for us.
Despite all the fun competitive stuff, the best part of the canned food drive is being able to help so many people with all of that food.
I hope y'all enjoy the new layout/theme and are interested in checking out some of the new content on my journalism portfolio blog! I'm really stoked about it all but it's getting to be super late and I should really get to bed soon, but I can't help but not sleep, I'm so excited!!!!
Friday, November 14, 2014
Cat Cafes
So apparently "cat cafes" are a thing now in Montreal! Andy was telling me about them and I firmly believe that they need to exist in the United States ASAP. Basically, you go to a cafe that has a gazillion cats inside of it and you just go around and cuddle whichever cats you want to cuddle and play with kitties all day!!!! That (besides the whole "I'm allergic to cats" thing) sounds like my kind of place!
Blogging schemes
I think I might start operating a few more blogs now. Having just the one is great, but the weird thing about this blog is that it's not exactly cohesive. There's no one, unifying factor that gives it a theme. I started this as a food blog, then it gradually turned into a diary of sorts that people around the world have been reading. There's no structure to this blog, it's kinda all over the place. I don't mind it though, there's nothing wrong with a personal blog. Anyways, I'm going to try to put together a few blogs that better categorize my different hobbies and passions. I'm gonna take my recipes and put them in a "proper" food blog, keep up with my journalism blog, create a theater/film blog of reviews and other things, and perhaps a blog about feminism. Once I get them all created and get some content onto them, I'll post the links to them on here from time to time in case y'all want to check them out.
I almost made a separate page for my newspaper articles, since I'm constantly talking about that class on this blog, and I've made a separate blog instead! Here is the link to my new portfolio blog. I'll be posting my stories from both last year and this year. I no longer have any digital copies of my stories from my first year on the paper, but I may have a way to recover them.
I really like the template that I have on my new blog, so I think I'm going to work on applying it to this blog.
I really like the template that I have on my new blog, so I think I'm going to work on applying it to this blog.
I've spent the entire night working on a potential centerspread for newspaper all about feminism. For the next two weeks we're just gonna be working on feature articles, columns, and potential centerspread ideas- things that aren't time sensitive. I don't know if it'll ever see the light of day, but regardless I'm really proud of it. I already have a design idea for it. Regardless of if it gets in or not, I'll post the majority of it here just so somebody sees it! If there was some way for me to post a final design on here, I'll do that once I've got it.
Today my week went out with a fizzle instead of a bang. My throat feels less sore, but more scratchy and obnoxious than it did last night. It was just a rough day trying to get out of bed and get through the week. I survived the day fine, it just dragged on and on and on for ages.
I'm just really thankful that it's the weekend. I'm sick of school and sick of a lot of the people in it at the moment.
I'm just really thankful that it's the weekend. I'm sick of school and sick of a lot of the people in it at the moment.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Oh my goodness I'm only feeling sicker and sicker and sicker and I just can't have this happen right now... There's just too much going on right now and I absolutely can't miss tomorrow, and I wanna be healthy this weekend in case I actually get to see Andy and his family (I'm maybe gonna meet his brother from Montreal), get my work done, find time to pop into Famous for paperwork, and prepare for the Winter One-Acts audition! Now is not a good time to get sick!!!!!
Music from Tonight
I've been in a really weird mood music-wise lately. Here's the playlist I made for tonight that I've been playing through all of my homework.
Honestly I feel a bit sick right now. I've been sniffly and my throat has had the worst pain from drainage and I've had headaches on and off all day. I feel disgusting; I despise sinus infections. On the bright side, all of my college application stuff has been sent in! Now I've got that off my chest, so yay!!!!
Last night
Last night I had accidentally deleted my blog, but now I've restored it and I'm back up and running!
Visiting Andy and Matt was lovely last night. I described Carmongeddon to Matt, and he told me to tell our staff adviser that she needs to "cut the cord." (Matt was on newspaper with me last year, and he's Andy's best friend/roommate)
Visiting Andy and Matt was lovely last night. I described Carmongeddon to Matt, and he told me to tell our staff adviser that she needs to "cut the cord." (Matt was on newspaper with me last year, and he's Andy's best friend/roommate)
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Welp, the Cuban Missile Crisis (or as my friend Tony renamed it, Carmongeddon [It's her last name]) continues in newspaper. Other than that, it's been a pretty good day.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
I not only finished what I needed to have done for tomorrow, but I also got myself ahead a day in two classes!!!! I haven't had any work in my other classes, but that doesn't make much of a difference. I'm really trying to stay on top of things. Now that my college apps are completely in (save for my transcripts) and I've grown accustomed to the coursework in my classes, things have been going much more smoothly at school. I'm really hoping to start working again soon. I need the money, and I miss the companionship. And I'm also looking forward to the Winter One-Acts. Those are less competitive, and since there are so many one-acts, it's easier to get a bigger part. I've missed theater. By the time the one-acts are performed, I'll be into my second semester and things will be infinitely easier for me!
Also, I GET TO SEE ANDY TOMORROW!!!!! We're heading up to Tower City while my sister is at her concert and my dad kills time at the casino. I'm really excited, but now I have to haul ass on my homework to get it done in a timely manner and be free tomorrow night. I think it's worth the effort though.
Happy Veterans Day!!! In other news, today was pretty tame, excluding dealing with the Cuban Missile Crisis in newspaper today. My co-editor has been incredibly frustrated and testy lately, believing there are a bunch of problems that don't really exist that only she can fix, and she's been lashing out a lot. Also, she and another editor on the staff have a lot of tension and animosity between each other and they've snapped at each other. All these things have made her start to think that she needs to quit the paper. Honestly, I think it would be best for her mental health if she did that. It'll take a lot of stress off of her plate, and it might help her out a lot if she didn't have to be so paranoid of other's responsibility levels. Something needs to be done though, because these problems and this drama has never existed on the staff.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Hopefully I can see Andy soon
After all the on and off days thinking that I'll be able to head up to CSU, I actually might be able to see him on Wednesday since my sister is going to the G-Eazy concert at the House of Blues!!!!!!! I'm pretty excited!
Today was infinitely better than I had expected it to be. My AP English Macbeth exam wasn't nearly as awful as I expected it to be, and so was my AP Bio test. Not gonna lie, I did BS a large portion of my essay and all of my short answer questions, but I still think that it's gonna be my best test of the year.
In addition to all of that, I was able to sort out all of the business with my college letters of recommendation and turned in my transcript request forms. My standardized test scores were sent, my essays, my application, and 1/2 teacher recommendations. All I need now is the other recommendation, my transcript, and my school profile sheet in, and then I'm officially done with the COLLEGE application process. There's still housing and scholarship applications that I have to work on. It's just crazy to me that this is all happening so easily and it's been so painless so far. When I started high school I didn't expect it to be so short and so transient. I know some of the friends I made are going be transient as well, but others are going to be there for me through it all.
When I look back on it, it has been a pretty fantastic Senior year for me. It's not perfect, sure, what with all the drama with the newspaper and then not doing the Fall play, as well as not getting to see Andy often or being able to work very much, but that can all change. I had called in to work the other day and soon they'll get back to me; if not this week I'll call at the end of the week or just stop down myself. I can always text my manager Amanda though, and that might even be the easiest way to work things out. And tryouts for the winter one-acts is next Monday. The schedule is supposed to be a lot less demanding, and that's just what I need. I miss theater a lot, and my school's theater group is too spectacular for me to just quit. And this is all before the semester ends!
Next semester I'll be done with two of my least favorite classes for good, I'll have a study hall with my favorite teacher as well as the fantastically fun Video Production class, and I'll be counting down the days until I graduate and move out to DePaul... Plus, I'll finally be able to do improv again!!!!
Change is coming for me. Good changes. I know that It'll be scary from time to time, but I believe that I can survive this level.
In addition to all of that, I was able to sort out all of the business with my college letters of recommendation and turned in my transcript request forms. My standardized test scores were sent, my essays, my application, and 1/2 teacher recommendations. All I need now is the other recommendation, my transcript, and my school profile sheet in, and then I'm officially done with the COLLEGE application process. There's still housing and scholarship applications that I have to work on. It's just crazy to me that this is all happening so easily and it's been so painless so far. When I started high school I didn't expect it to be so short and so transient. I know some of the friends I made are going be transient as well, but others are going to be there for me through it all.
When I look back on it, it has been a pretty fantastic Senior year for me. It's not perfect, sure, what with all the drama with the newspaper and then not doing the Fall play, as well as not getting to see Andy often or being able to work very much, but that can all change. I had called in to work the other day and soon they'll get back to me; if not this week I'll call at the end of the week or just stop down myself. I can always text my manager Amanda though, and that might even be the easiest way to work things out. And tryouts for the winter one-acts is next Monday. The schedule is supposed to be a lot less demanding, and that's just what I need. I miss theater a lot, and my school's theater group is too spectacular for me to just quit. And this is all before the semester ends!
Next semester I'll be done with two of my least favorite classes for good, I'll have a study hall with my favorite teacher as well as the fantastically fun Video Production class, and I'll be counting down the days until I graduate and move out to DePaul... Plus, I'll finally be able to do improv again!!!!
Change is coming for me. Good changes. I know that It'll be scary from time to time, but I believe that I can survive this level.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Kill me now please
I'm not ready to take on more responsibility, nope nope nope nope what was I thinking?!
Today I had to get dragged along with my sister to a local protestant church for a religion project she had to do. It was alright, but I've been really sore and stiff lately from pulling hella muscles when I attempted to work out so that put a damper on things.
Today has also been hella stressful because nobody worked on the Honors Gov project except for me, and by the time someone had started doing something she was basically reiterating everything that I had already said in the presentation and she was changing a bunch of stuff with the format and design of our presentation. It's my co-editor-in-chief, the girl who micromanages everything to the point where nobody wants to work with her. In addition to that, the newspaper is supposed to go to print this Wednesday and I have hardly seen any stories, and I only just finished my story about the girls soccer team because the girl who was taking notes didn't send me her notes until I reminded her about three hours ago.
On top of all of that, I still have a huge Honors Gov packet to finish, an AP Bio test to study for, an English exam to prep for, and I have to make time to exercise and do some chores.
Needless to say, I'm fucking stressed.
Today has also been hella stressful because nobody worked on the Honors Gov project except for me, and by the time someone had started doing something she was basically reiterating everything that I had already said in the presentation and she was changing a bunch of stuff with the format and design of our presentation. It's my co-editor-in-chief, the girl who micromanages everything to the point where nobody wants to work with her. In addition to that, the newspaper is supposed to go to print this Wednesday and I have hardly seen any stories, and I only just finished my story about the girls soccer team because the girl who was taking notes didn't send me her notes until I reminded her about three hours ago.
On top of all of that, I still have a huge Honors Gov packet to finish, an AP Bio test to study for, an English exam to prep for, and I have to make time to exercise and do some chores.
Needless to say, I'm fucking stressed.
Yesterday, despite the fact that I didn't get to spend it with Andy, was a pretty solid day. I went to this fantastic German restaurant for Food Club, and oh. My. GOODNESS WAS IT DELICIOUS. I had some fantastic Wiener Schnitzel and a lot of Spätzel. I've been craving Spätzel for ages oh my goodness. I didn't want that meal to end!!!!! Other than that, not a lot happened yesterday.
Friday, November 7, 2014
Apparently it's all for naught now since it's "supposed to sleet" or some bullshit wintry weather thing tomorrow night, so I'm not going to get to see Andy for sure until Thanksgiving. Even that weekend is a little iffy. I'm just gonna cry myself to sleep now, woohoo.
So apparently my dad isn't a fan of me visiting my boyfriend tomorrow because he is worried about the Cleveland traffic, the neighborhood, and me being there in the dark, even though I was in the dark literally the last time I went. It's fucking rad. And I can't try to convince him that everything is going to be just fine because he's asleep. The only time that I'll be able to talk to him would be if I were to wake up at 6AM and caught him before he went to golf. I've got all the evidence and points I need, I just need to make sure I'm giving the right delivery because if I get even CLOSE to sassy/grumpy he will fly off the handle and not let me go, possibly ever again.
Today has been pretty lowkey for me. Girls soccer lost their state finals match, which was pretty unpleasant. For the first time in a really long time, I exercised. Turns out I've gained 11 pounds since July. It really freaks me out, especially since I had gotten so far before everything got in my way. So now I'm going to try to lose at least 8 of those pounds within the next two months, just in time for my birthday.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Today was incredibly interesting! I was on a field trip for AP Bio all day. It was essentially a really really long and boring talk given in a freezing high school auditorium, but towards the end the talk he got into some really cool updates in medicine that could change the way we treat cancer and potentially cure Type I Diabetes, as well as making organs more available to those in need of donors.
There was a conference recently that discovered that the only cells that can be "founders" cells for cancers are stem cells since only stem cells are capable of mitosis. Through testing of blood just like one would get tested for allergies, one could screen for cancer and get the problem taken care of before it can even happen. There was also something about antibodies for stem cells, but I don't remember what it was exactly so I don't want to say something inaccurate.
In terms of growing organs in laboratories, a lot has been done and can be done to make it easier to create new organs with ease. One really awesome discovery was creating a chimeric embryo combining a mouse embryo with rat stem cells and vice versa. Each would be spotted with tissue from the other in it. Scientists took this one step further, genetically modifying the mouse so that it would not have a pancreas. Despite this, the mouse survived to maturity. Upon dissection, a rat kidney was found inside the chimera mouse. Applying this logic on a bigger scale, it would be possible for humans to remove some skin cells, have them converted into stem cells, and then inserted into a pig fetus. When pigs reach maturity, their organs are the same size as a human's. So, a human pancreas/heart/lungs/liver/kidney/whatever could be grown and harvested in a pig. This is perfect for people who need organs donated, since so few donors are out there.
Overall, it was just so astounding to hear about these things that would be happening in the next 5-10 years.
There was a conference recently that discovered that the only cells that can be "founders" cells for cancers are stem cells since only stem cells are capable of mitosis. Through testing of blood just like one would get tested for allergies, one could screen for cancer and get the problem taken care of before it can even happen. There was also something about antibodies for stem cells, but I don't remember what it was exactly so I don't want to say something inaccurate.
In terms of growing organs in laboratories, a lot has been done and can be done to make it easier to create new organs with ease. One really awesome discovery was creating a chimeric embryo combining a mouse embryo with rat stem cells and vice versa. Each would be spotted with tissue from the other in it. Scientists took this one step further, genetically modifying the mouse so that it would not have a pancreas. Despite this, the mouse survived to maturity. Upon dissection, a rat kidney was found inside the chimera mouse. Applying this logic on a bigger scale, it would be possible for humans to remove some skin cells, have them converted into stem cells, and then inserted into a pig fetus. When pigs reach maturity, their organs are the same size as a human's. So, a human pancreas/heart/lungs/liver/kidney/whatever could be grown and harvested in a pig. This is perfect for people who need organs donated, since so few donors are out there.
Overall, it was just so astounding to hear about these things that would be happening in the next 5-10 years.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Today was an ehhh day. I have an awful awful headache and I'm just thankful that tomorrow I don't have to worry about doing any homework. I'm gonna be on an AP Bio field trip and won't get back to school until 2:15... just in time to watch Jurassic Park or Finding Nemo in AP Bio. It's looking to be an early night for me.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
I'm too happy for words, both dad and the soccer team won, I'll get to see Andy on Saturday, and all is right with the world!
IT WAS BY A WHOPPING MAJORITY TOO, HE HAD AROUND 64% OF THE VOTE!!!! HE DOESN'T HAVE TO RUN AGAIN FOR 6 MORE YEARS!!!!!!!!! Perfect timing to send me to grad school, amirite?!
11/4/14- Election Day
Today was fairly uneventful, but not in a bad way. It was almost relaxing. All that's been on my mind since I left school has been the election. I can't help but be a little nervous! I just hope that as the votes are being tallied, there is a clear, almost unsurpassable lead for my dad early on so we can rest easy. Fingers crossed though!
I'm also anxiously awaiting the results of the girls' soccer team's game. If they win, they move on to the state finals and we won't have school on Friday, which would be FANTASTIC!!!!!
I'm also anxiously awaiting the results of the girls' soccer team's game. If they win, they move on to the state finals and we won't have school on Friday, which would be FANTASTIC!!!!!
Monday, November 3, 2014
On the bright side, the biggest parts of my homework are now finished. I still have to read some Macbeth and do a bunch of Stats problems. It could be worse for me though. It's tech week right now, so all the kids in the play right now are just getting home and on to their homework. I really dodged a bullet there. I still miss theater though.
I had the joy of sitting through a horribly obnoxious video on homosexuality. It just made me pretty angry, except for the fact that it stated that homosexuals need to be treated with kindness and love. Overall, it just struggled to get that message out early on. For over three fourths of the video, there was an emphasis on how going to church "gave them everything the gay lifestyle could not." It was just kinda shifty.
Today as a whole wasn't too bad. Nothing really bad happened except I rolled my ankle and got an asston of homework. I have more to do tonight than I've had on my plate for the past two weeks! On the bright side, I'm kinda ahead of schedule because I accidentally turned in two assignments early.
Right now things are pretty hectic at home because Election Day is tomorrow. I'm confidant, but it's still pretty nerve-wracking. After all, this guy is trying to take my dad's job. When he first got appointed, he had to throw out all of his clients because he can't practice as an attorney as a judge, so it would be beyond difficult for him to start from scratch. It's scary...
Right now things are pretty hectic at home because Election Day is tomorrow. I'm confidant, but it's still pretty nerve-wracking. After all, this guy is trying to take my dad's job. When he first got appointed, he had to throw out all of his clients because he can't practice as an attorney as a judge, so it would be beyond difficult for him to start from scratch. It's scary...
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Oops turns out my mom doesn't like the thought of me listening to rap music
I mean it's not like I'm not 17 and able to see rated-R movies without a parent's permission or anything. It's not like I'm constantly cussing around her, smoking weed, drinking, or being a bad kid in general or anything. It's not like I'm going to be off to college in about 9 months or anything. It's not like I'm gonna keep listening to it anyways or anything. I'm glad she didn't walk in during Yeezus though.
Kanye West Quest
Right now I'm a third of the way into The College Dropout. Tomorrow I plan on doing Late Registration and end the night with 808s and Heartbreak. I'm blazing through his discography on this Kanye Quest. I think when I'm done with Kanye's discography I'll do Childish Gambino's and Tyler the Creators, and , maybe Juicy J's. I don't think I'll ever have enough time to get through all of Jay Z's, Wu Tang, NWA, or other older acts. I do love 80's and 90's rap, though. Rap is brilliant depending on the rapper.
I'm back on my Kanye pilgrimage, and today I' listening to Yeezus. There's more anger in it. I think each Kanye album can be summed up with one emotion. My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy would be melancholy, and Graduation would be hope/awe. It's hard to name, but it's definitely something you feel.
My Trip to Chicago
So on Thursday night my mom and I drove out to Chicago. It's really a wonderful city. The hotel was beyond shmancy! There were all sorts of gorgeous ballrooms and the lobby was very modern and swanky. We were on the 17th floor and had a great view of the John Hancock Building from our room.
On Friday morning, we took the L up to Loyola. As far as public transportation goes, the L is quite excellent. It's very clean and well-maintained, plus you get a great view of the city. Loyola was a nice school, and I think I'm going to apply there. I didn't like it as much as DePaul, but I could still see myself enjoying the school a lot. The weather on Friday was absolutely horrible. It was snowing/hailing on and off throughout the day, windy, and miserably cold. It made it a lot more difficult to do the tour of Loyola's Lakeshore campus. Their Water Tower campus was pretty nice as well, but once my mom and I got to our tour of DePaul's College of Computing and Digital Media, it became irrelevant.
Oh. My. GOODNESS THE CDM COLLEGE WAS FLAWLESS!!!! There was all sorts of amazing equipment and technology. It reminded me a lot of the New York Film Academy. They had a library for renting out cameras, a stop-motion animation lab, two normal animation labs, a few small theaters for screening movies, a soundstage, a sound designing recording studio full of things for making your own sounds, several editing labs, and more. Plus, they have a partnership with one of the largest studios outside of LA and have an even bigger soundstage there! Seeing all of that really moved it up to my first choice after that. It'd be a phenomenal opportunity for me!
Last night my mom and I drove home, and I'm already looking forward to heading back to Chicago.
On Friday morning, we took the L up to Loyola. As far as public transportation goes, the L is quite excellent. It's very clean and well-maintained, plus you get a great view of the city. Loyola was a nice school, and I think I'm going to apply there. I didn't like it as much as DePaul, but I could still see myself enjoying the school a lot. The weather on Friday was absolutely horrible. It was snowing/hailing on and off throughout the day, windy, and miserably cold. It made it a lot more difficult to do the tour of Loyola's Lakeshore campus. Their Water Tower campus was pretty nice as well, but once my mom and I got to our tour of DePaul's College of Computing and Digital Media, it became irrelevant.
Oh. My. GOODNESS THE CDM COLLEGE WAS FLAWLESS!!!! There was all sorts of amazing equipment and technology. It reminded me a lot of the New York Film Academy. They had a library for renting out cameras, a stop-motion animation lab, two normal animation labs, a few small theaters for screening movies, a soundstage, a sound designing recording studio full of things for making your own sounds, several editing labs, and more. Plus, they have a partnership with one of the largest studios outside of LA and have an even bigger soundstage there! Seeing all of that really moved it up to my first choice after that. It'd be a phenomenal opportunity for me!
Last night my mom and I drove home, and I'm already looking forward to heading back to Chicago.
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