Friday, July 17, 2015

A-Z of Self-Improvement

I have been on a journey of self-improvement over the past few years, and frankly, it's really freaking hard. So, I'm making this list in an effort to motivate myself, and hopefully motivate some of you, to improve in the ways you want to improve, whether it involves health, weight, career, personal relationships, and so on.

Always think through your actions. There's a reason behind every positive change you make.

Be true to your values. Don't lose your integrity and the things that make you you in an attempt to change. Improvement isn't about swapping, but upgrading.

Care about what goes into your body. I personally struggle a lot with this, but even the smallest efforts can do a great deal.

Do everything in your power to maintain a positive outlook.

Eat healthier options of things you love, that way you never feel like you're missing out.

Forget about people who make you feel like less than you are. They aren't your real friends.

Go. Nothing happens until you start trying.

Help somebody who needs it. Make that a habit.

Integrate more physical activity into your day. You don't necessarily need to train like a Navy SEAL 24/7, but every little bit helps!

Judge situations with a discerning eye. You don't want to make decisions you regret.

Kill your doubts. Sometimes, you are your biggest critic. I am always the first one to call myself weak when I buckle under stress, I am the one who underestimates and trivializes my own abilities, and I am the one who says "you could never do that." I need to stop, and if you put yourself through that kind of pain, you need to do that for yourself too.

Love something. Anything, it doesn't matter! Caring about and being passionate about something gives zest to life and infinite reasons to live.

Make your own happiness. Don't rely on other people to be your sole source of joy. They should add to it, not create it.

Never sell yourself short. You can do anything you put your mind to.

Open up to yourself. Be able to acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses.

Pamper yourself. You freaking deserve it!

Quit a bad habit. Whether it's smoking or nail biting or anything in between, you can get out of it.

Read- it's a great way to stay informed, improve your cognitive thinking skills, and you can find even more things that inspire you that way.

Sit next to somebody you don't know. Engage with them, you could make a new friend, a business connection, or simply brighten their day!

Take time out to contemplate your day. Think over each moment before you go to bed, and try to focus on the positives. Tell yourself that tomorrow is a new day.

Wear what makes you happy. Trust me on this one, it's an instant confidence booster!

X out negativity in any scenario. Whether it's a poisonous person creating drama in your life, food that's terrible for you, a vice that negatively affects your relationships, or just a bad attitude, cut it out of your life.

Yoga it up! It's fun, relaxing, and helps get you into shape while relieving stress and tension.

Zone in- focus on what you are doing and live in that moment. Whether it's a surge of energy during a workout or a moment of inspiration at work, don't lose your focus.

Every step taken, no matter how small, will get you where you want to be.

I hope that this post can be of use to you and I in our journeys, and if you enjoyed it, please share it! 


Lately, I've noticed that my blog has been suffering. My most recent posts haven't been doing so well, not too many people are viewing my blog and enjoying the content, and overall I personally feel like blogging has become a chore. I'm not going to stop, don't worry! But I've decided to make changes to this blog to shake things up a bit, and to reinvent it in a positive way.

The first of these changes- a NEW NAME! I've been thinking about that for a while now, and I've decided on the perfect one. I'll be changing the domain as well, so be ready for that. I will post the domain link before I change the name, that way you can find my blog again. 

Secondly, I'll be reinventing my content. Most of my content on this blog is personal, and while there's nothing wrong with that, it's not as interesting to many readers. I will not be eliminating personal content, but I will be incorporating other forms of content such as tutorials, current events, opinion pieces, entertainment news, lists, reviews of products, shows, and movies,  and I'm bringing back recipes! I will also be using more photographs to keep things interesting, and I'm learning how to create pin-able images so readers can share posts more easily on Pinterest. 

I do not plan on changing the appearance of my blog, but if I decide to change the layout or something, you will all be duly informed. 

Now, it's impossible for me to do all of these things simultaneously, so it'll be a slow and steady process of figuring out what works for the blog and what doesn't. I'm really excited for this, and I'm hoping that the new and improved Adventures of Emily will be more accessible and interesting to readers, and better reflect the new things coming in my life.