Thursday, July 2, 2015

2016 Election Ridiculousness

So this upcoming Presidential election is the first one that I'll be able to vote for, and I'm really excited to get involved with the democratic process! However, this election, even though it's still a year and a half away, I'm already overwhelmed by the whole process. THERE ARE LITERALLY ALMOST 20 PEOPLE WHO HAVE DECLARED THEIR CANDIDACY THAT'S WAY TOO MANY! The primaries alone are going to be a train wreck!

Here's the list of everybody running as of July 2nd:

  1. Hillary Rodham Clinton- Republican
  2. Jeb Bush- Republican
  3. Donald Trump- Republican
  4. Bernie Sanders- Democrat
  5. Ted Cruz- Republican
  6. Martin O'Malley- Democrat
  7. Rand Paul- Repubican
  8. Lincoln Chafee- Democrat
  9. Marco Rubio- Republican
  10. Jim Webb- Republican
  11. Ben Carson- Republican
  12. John Kasich- Republican
  13. Carly Fiorina- Republican
  14. Mike Huckabee- Republican
  15. Rick Santorum- Republican
  16. George Pataki- Republican
  17. Lindsey Graham- Republican
  18. Chris Christie- Republican
  19. Rick Perry- Republican
  20. Bobby Jindal- Republican
I'm sure that as we get closer to the primaries and/or candidates start running out of money, that list will narrow down some, but it's still a ridiculous amount of candidates! I'm definitely going to be checking up on this list periodically, updating it and researching candidates. Hopefully my research can help you with your decisions in the primaries and in the general election!


I got a call this morning from my local Kohl's, and they set up an interview with me!!!!!! I'm ecstatic to have an interview in the first place, but I doubt I'm going to get hired when they find out how soon I leave for school and that I won't be able to work very much during the school year.

Despite that, I have some hope now!