Tuesday, October 7, 2014


I'm going to bed a little earlier tonight, or at least I'm gonna try to. I haven't done any of the exercise/dieting stuff I had planned for homecoming. Screw it, c'est la vie. Sleep tight!
I'm not doing my math homework.




I'm getting sort of close to getting done with my homework. I'm a little disappointed because the "guest column" was really just a Q & A about my school's Student Section at Football Games. It's kind of a letdown. At least I'll get published in another school's newspaper.
I just want the homework to end... Last night was glorious, hardly having any homework...
I just did an absurd amount of Honors Gov. homework and now I wanna diiiiie

Homecoming Rant

Today we also voted for our homecoming court. I have mixed feelings about the subject; it's surprising knowing that people have actually voted for me this year. Not enough people to actually get on, but it's still really sweet and it's a nice form of validation. The one thing I hate though is when girls campaign.

It's never been much of an issue at my school since we aren't allowed to campaign and put up posters and stuff anyways, but this year girls, especially girls in my grade, have been canvassing for votes. It's annoying and unfair, really. One girl even has been passing out candy with "Vote (her name) for Homecoming Court 2K14" stickers on them every day. If you are actually worthy of it, you shouldn't need to campaign and beg and bribe for a vote. I know I'll never get on court for any dance in a million years, but I wish people would stop being obnoxious about court.


Today was pretty uneventful. I did get asked by a high school newspaper in the Akron area to write a guest column for them, so I'm pretty excited.