Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Goodnight for now!!!!

Thank goodness for school off tomorrow!

"Power" by Audre Lorde

The difference between poetry and rhetoric
is being ready to kill
instead of your children.

I am trapped on a desert of raw gunshot wounds
and a dead child dragging his shattered black
face off the edge of my sleep
blood from his punctured cheeks and shoulders
is the only liquid for miles
and my stomach
churns at the imagined taste while
my mouth splits into dry lips
without loyalty or reason
thirsting for the wetness of his blood
as it sinks into the whiteness
of the desert where I am lost
without imagery or magic
trying to make power out of hatred and destruction
trying to heal my dying son with kisses
only the sun will bleach his bones quicker.

A policeman who shot down a ten year old in Queens
stood over the boy with his cop shoes in childish blood
and a voice said “Die you little motherfucker” and
there are tapes to prove it. At his trial
this policeman said in his own defense
“I didn't notice the size nor nothing else
only the color”. And
there are tapes to prove that, too.

Today that 37 year old white man
with 13 years of police forcing
was set free
by eleven white men who said they were satisfied
justice had been done
and one Black Woman who said
“They convinced me” meaning
they had dragged her 4'10'' black Woman's frame
over the hot coals
of four centuries of white male approval
until she let go
the first real power she ever had
and lined her own womb with cement
to make a graveyard for our children.

I have not been able to touch the destruction
within me.
But unless I learn to use
the difference between poetry and rhetoric
my power too will run corrupt as poisonous mold
or lie limp and useless as an unconnected wire
and one day I will take my teenaged plug
and connect it to the nearest socket
raping an 85 year old white woman
who is somebody's mother
and as I beat her senseless and set a torch to her bed
a greek chorus will be singing in 3/4 time
“Poor thing. She never hurt a soul. What beasts they are.”

"Cinderella" by Sylvia Plath

The prince leans to the girl in scarlet heels,
Her green eyes slant, hair flaring in a fan
Of silver as the rondo slows; now reels
Begin on tilted violins to span

The whole revolving tall glass palace hall
Where guests slide gliding into light like wine;
Rose candles flicker on the lilac wall
Reflecting in a million flagons’ shine.

And glided couples all in a whirling trance
Follow holiday revel begun long since,
Until near twelve the strange girl all at once
Guilt-stricken halts, pales, clings to the prince

As amid the hectic music and cocktail talk
She hears the caustic ticking of the clock.

Poetry Project

I just worked on a part of my Poetry Exit Analysis Essay and I'm kinda jazzed about it! Well, about the poetry and the poets, NOT the workload. My topic is "Women," and while I'm not sure exactly what my teacher is hoping to see from this project, I love the work of the poets whom I selected: Sylvia Plath, Audre Lorde, and Dorothy Parker. So I'm going to do what I can to make sure I get everything together and presented well. 

I think the direction I want to go into is exploring each poets' definition of what it means to be "woman" and reflections on womanhood. It's not like I can just make some simple thesis like I could have with some of the other topics like Nature, War, and Politics. Basically, I want to make sure that my work is of a high caliber so that I can impress myself most of all with my achievements! 

I may periodically post my favorite poems from the evening on here, so be ready for some poetry!
On the bright side, I'm currently making bank on InboxDollars.com! If you haven't seen my banner or are interested in signing up yourself, HERE is the link to get signed up. It's honestly very easy to use, and is definitely helping me make some money outside of work and school, which I definitely need.

Ugggggggggggh (AGAIN)

This afternoon was pretty rough. I had to go to a meeting about States for theater and I essentially got screwed left and right. First, I was shafted in terms of rooming since my "friends" banded up and didn't let me room with them, so I'm stuck rooming with three girls that I barely know/am not close to at all. Like two of the girls are very nice and I don't mind being stuck with them, but the third girl is very annoying. I just feel kinda alone and excluded in that situation. The second way I was screwed in this meeting was by people not offering to help/making excuses for why they can't help me with my video production video even though we have school off tomorrow... I'm really really screwed for that video and I don't really know what to do there. If I can't get actors, I'm screwed screwed screwed and am going to be stuck with another awful, embarrassing to watch video that I essentially worked on by myself. The whole situation is very frustrating and I just want to give up everything. 


I hardly have anything to do but I'm so so sooooooooo tired and I just want to take a nap more than anything. Literally from the moment I woke up I felt like I've been dying and I just want to crawl back in bed....

Last Night

My sister needed to use my laptop last night for studying, so I didn't really get to blog much last night. I did keep myself fairly busy though!

I mean, an hour and a half long nap isn't necessarily productive, but I could have done worse! After dinner, I watched an episode of Gangland while walking on the treadmill, and got about twenty minutes into the award-winning documentary The Act of Killing when my mom kicked me off so she could work out. Overall, it was a super productive workout!

After that, I helped my sister study for her Spanish test then went to bed.