Yesterday while making my way home from another dismal day of attempting to find a job, I nearly hit a cat with my car. I thought that I had hit it, so I got out of the car to check. It came running out from underneath it meowing its cute little head off and started rubbing itself up against my legs. It was so freaking adorable, I couldn't just leave it in a field! Plus it wasn't in good shape; it was extremely dirty and its fur was matted in a lot of places, it clearly hadn't eaten in a long long time, and it looked like it had recently been in a fight with another critter somewhere. So I scooped it up in a blanket then drove home so I could put it in a cat carrier. I decided that I would take it to the county SPCA, but when I got there they were closed. There were people inside, but they told me to go away and come back tomorrow. So, I went to another shelter in the area that specializes in cats. They wouldn't take it either because they're a private shelter and all of their space was full.
I was worried that I was going to have to let the poor thing out somewhere and I didn't want to do that since the two of us had gone through all of that together and the cat really liked me a lot. My mom wasn't about to let me bring it home, even if it only stayed in our garage for the night. I called my grandma, and she said she'd let it stay in her garage for the night! Today my grandma and I are going to take the cat to the SPCA again so it can get cleaned up and have a proper place to stay.
I feel good about what I did, and while I wish I could keep the cat myself I know it'll go to a good home sometime very soon.