Wednesday, November 26, 2014


I really don't feel like going upstairs right now, or even moving for that matter.

What I'm Thankful for this Thanksgiving

Since Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I'm in a procrastinating mood right now, I want to go over all the things I'm ever so thankful for. I know I complain a ton, but I'm still very happy with my life. Here is the list, at least off the top of my head.
  • I'm thankful for my family, especially my sister, for always being there for me. I'm really gonna miss my sister next year. Even though she annoys me a lot sometimes, she still is my closest friend no matter what.
  • I'm thankful for Andy. No matter what happens, he's always there for me and always takes out time in his day for me. He cares about me more than almost anyone else on the planet, and he still is always trying to do more and more for me.
  • I'm thankful for "fam," Abby, Dylan, and Tony. They keep me sane and for the first time in my life make me feel like I have constant and consistent friends. Not to mention they're all fantastic people!
  • I'm thankful for all my activities and clubs at school. Even when they're stressful, just being a part of Film Club, Theater, Art Club, Food Club, and Newspaper is such a gift and an amazing opportunity.
  • I'm thankful for Jasmine, the girl I tutor. She's the absolute sweetest girl on the planet and she makes tutoring so so so so worth it.
  • I'm thankful for *most* of my teachers like my AP Bio teacher, my AP English teacher, my Newspaper adviser, and then the teachers who I no longer have in class but still check up with me whenever they see me in the hallways or before and after school, like my AP Euro/APUSH teacher. They make all the sucky things about school suck infinitely less. 
  • I'm thankful for my roommates from Envision. Even though we don't talk as much as we used to, they're still always there for me whenever I'm having a really difficult time in my life.
  • I'm thankful for Netflix and mac & cheese because duh!!!!!
  • I'm thankful for my pets, Molly and Oreo. They're hella cute and their cuteness makes even the worst days infinitely better. 
Once again, I had a brilliant game plan for getting a ton of my work done, but I haven't even remotely started it. I kinda hate that about myself.

This afternoon/evening

This afternoon was pretty ehh, but I learned a lot of new things. I walked my dog with my sister and got my Achilles' Tendon cut so right now it hurts to wear anything on my feet/around my ankles. I went to a laundromat for the first time and  successfully washed a giant quilted yard blanket thingy. Then, I spent two and a half hours at the local Country Club's restaurant waiting for what ended up being the worst grilled cheese sandwich I've ever had. Now I'm home for the night, and I think I'm just gonna keep on looking for stuff for my Christmas/Birthday list.

Shopping Shopping Shopping

I basically threw the to-do list I made for myself today out the window, and I've decided to work some more on my Christmas list/stuff for college list. I should probably finish my Loyola Application, but I'm not even remotely in the mood to do that. I also have a scholarship application to do, as well as a few additional outside scholarships that I can work on. Aaaaand there's always the two projects, homework, and research paper that's worth over half of my grade for the semester that I can do....

Or I can put that all off.


All I can say about yesterday was that it was terrible and I hated every single second of it. On the bright side, I DON'T HAVE SCHOOL TODAY THANK THE POWERS THAT BE! I also don't think I failed my AP Bio test yesterday. That whole thing could've gone infinitely worse.

Everybody in general yesterday was so so mean to each other regarding the whole Ferguson situation. It really upsets me that absolutely nobody can treat people like human beings with dreams, aspirations, hope, and dignity. People talk about the protesters and rioters like they're animals, people talk about Mike Brown as if he's an animal, people talk to other people with differing opinions like they're animals. It's like the whole world forgot that the people around them have value, and that's just wrong.