Friday, March 20, 2015



Uggggggh Somebody Shoot Me

On top of all of those things, I have to worry about my massive English project, finish reading Dracula (I'm close, thank goodness), do a math worksheet, teach myself about the endocrine system and prepare for an AP Bio test on Tuesday, and I need to get my shit together with this upcoming Video Production project. I need to improve my grade there. I at least got some points back today, but I don't think that overall I'll be at a 4.0 this quarter (for the first time ever) unless my religion teacher puts in the bonus points from the extra assignment I did and my AP Bio teacher does the same for me. Like I'm really nervous, my grade could be made or broken. I have too much to do this next week; I'm screwed.


I got home from Lacrosse practice not too long ago. It was uneventful, but apparently there was a fistfight at last night's practice (that I missed, of course).Today had a lot of ups and downs. Obviously, there was the down of my co-editor-in-chief not being fired. I'm incredibly angry about that, but more on that later! First, the good bits.

I had a horrible headache when I woke up this morning, and while I didn't want to go to school, today was the last day of the quarter so I couldn't really miss it. I instead slept in and only missed my first three classes of the day. It was just what I needed!!!!! I stopped at Panera on the way to school and picked up a salad and a bagel for my lunch, and that was pretty nice. When I got to school, I found out that despite her medical emergency, almost dying, and spending the night in the hospital yesterday, my co-editor (ugggh I hate calling her that) was once again back at school. This came as a shock to me because she really shouldn't have been at school at all, what with her leg and ALMOST FUCKING DYING, you'd think she'd choose to stay home. But noooooooo! 

I sort of drifted through my other classes, dreading the storm that I thought was coming at the end of the day. She wasn't in class for Newspaper, so I knew something was up. So, I asked the Staff Adviser, and she informed me that the co-editor was to be given a choice: to resign right then and there (which she would never do) or to continue on a probationary status, still keeping her position of authority, where the next time she screws up she's out no questions asked. There's absolutely no way that this girl would quit anything, especially Newspaper. She sees it as her job (which it isn't, it's a fucking high school paper and she makes the experience that should be fun and relatively carefree fucking miserable), and she's had it ingrained in her that quitting is one of the worst things you can do ever. And it's just as likely that she won't change her ways AT ALL and will still be bullying and stomping over everyone and anyone who gets in her way. Well, she can't really storm out of class anymore since she can't even walk thanks to her knee surgery. She hasn't changed all the other times she said she would, so why the fuck would she change now?!

I'm really angry and I feel left out of the decision that was made to give her this option. She hurts the class as a whole; nobody wants to work with her. When she came back, I was the only person that even so much as ACKNOWLEDGED her presence let alone was moderately nice to her. People are afraid of her, they don't respect her, and she doesn't give them a lot of reasons to do so. I am infuriated by the fact that school administration and our adviser chose to hurt everybody else and stifle their chances of growing in that class instead of giving this spoiled, selfish girl the wake-up call that she needs desperately.  This is only going to bite them in the ass in the end. God, it makes me want to quit the paper myself. I am beyond sick of her bullshit and the bullshit being thrust upon us now. I can't really quit either though; I already am taking a study hall and can't take two, and then if I quit, everyone would be scrambling on staff because I serve as the voice of reason and as the leader that actually teaches them, advises them, and helps them in a kind, caring, fruitful way as opposed to a cold, dictatorial "boss" who sees them as dog shit.

This turned into a Carmongeddon rant really quickly, but can you blame me?! When I found out that they decided to go ahead and fire her, I had never felt happier this year. I felt relieved, like a major weight had been taken off of my chest. Now I just feel stabbed in the back.

Carmongeddon,=: the Finale?

I'm high-key furious right now. She isn't getting fired. What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck.