Tuesday, March 24, 2015


I got next to nothing done tonight. There's no way in hell that I'll be finished with this project by the time I leave for the State Theater Conference, especially with two away games...


Dear school, 
WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS BULLSHIT?! I've been a good girl all my life, I've behaved in class and paid attention, I've diligently done my work, and I hardly take time off for myself. Why must you keep getting harder and more stressful for me?!  I have never done you wrong. I'm in the final quarter of my senior year! Things were supposed to get easy this semester!!!!! Alas, they aren't...
I may just sneak downstairs for a snack before I get back to work on all my other stuff. I can hardly think straight my brain feels like a slushie!


However, I bombed two sections and I may need to retake them which SUCKS, and if I do poorly on them again, I may have to retake the class I took last year for math. I wouldn't really complain about that though, because I did pretty well. I just wish I had my binder from that class still!!!! Like I don't really want to go into college taking some incredibly difficult math class when I'm not really going to need much math where I'm going. Just basic Algebra and arithmetic! Still, my brain is completely fried and I'm in no mood to work on my English project or anything else, for that matter!


Today sucked big time. I'm not in any mood to go into details but lets just say that everything that I thought would go wrong did and then some! I'm about to take a math placement test for DePaul, so wooooooohoooooooo kill me!