Monday, December 15, 2014


Hells yeah I finished my homework before midnight can I get a whoop whoop?!
I'm back from my Gov review (which was surprisingly fun- I think the fact that it was at a Panera helped a lot), and I'm currently driving the struggle bus with my homework. Just shoot me please!!!!!!!!


Today was an okay day! I hardly did anything in any of my classes. My Othello exam for English wasn't too terrible, and then in all my other classes we basically putzed around and called it "review." The Newspaper Christmas party/Secret Santa gift exchange was pretty great! I got a Lena Dunham book from one of the girls on the staff. Instead of hauling ass on my homework like I should've been, I started reading it. I really like it a lot so far! Now I have ten minutes until the people O'm driving to the review session arrive... wish me luck tonight...

On the bright side, I'll at least get some Panera!