Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Hectic Week

So far this week has been a whirlwind, and it's only Tuesday! (Well, technically it's Wednesday now, but still!)

Yesterday, I was running around all day long. I worked out and then went to run errands and go grocery shopping with my sister. (She's back from Florida now, yay!) I then had an interview at Kohl's, and then dashed to a late date with Andy. We went to this really good burger restaurant (they have spectacular mac and cheese bites with this amazing buffalo dipping sauce- absolutely to die for!) and then went back to his house to hang out. We watched Woody Allen's Love and Death, and I really enjoyed it! It was quite witty and overall hilarious. I have very mixed feelings about Woody Allen, but I can't deny that he is a gifted artist.

The Kohl's interview went well! Depending on how quickly they can get in touch with my references, I could ACTUALLY GET A JOB! Like I'd only be around for about a month this summer, but when I'm on my lengthy fall/winter break I'd have a job waiting for me already! My parents are ecstatic, they've been incredibly disappointed with my job hunting struggle so this is definitely a relief.

Today was a bit less hectic, but I was still insanely busy doing chores. I prepped decorations for my graduation party this Saturday, I gardened a lot, cleaned my room some more, took many surveys on my various rewards sites,FINALLY set up a PayPal account, and I planted my succulent garden and it's a-freaking-dorable!!!!!! This isn't the best picture quality, but it's the only photo I have at the moment. I'll have to post pictures of my budding (pun entirely intended!) houseplant menagerie!

The next three days are going to continue in the same pattern of chores and chores and chores and chores, but whenever I have free time I'm going to try to paint or do other productive things!

Until next time, then!