Wednesday, August 6, 2014

According to Netflix, Freaky Friday is a critically-acclaimed film. Imma let that sink in...

My younger sister just got home from a concert and my dad's so mad but he fell asleep minutes before she got home so she's off the hook this time!
East of Eden is a really intense and compelling novel. Also, I was creeping on my team from New York's Facebook group and found out that one of the girls in my group goes to the rival high school of my school paper's biggest enemy and it was really exciting. For me, at least. I don't think she really cared about that!
I'm only screwed because I work 5 days next week, am visiting Cedar Point with my boyfriend's family another day, and there's two days of journalism boot camp. So really I have 11 days to do all of that....


I go back to school in 19 days. That means I have 19 days to finish reading and annotating East of Eden, write a 1000 word essay, write reflections for 9 quotes, and read three historical documents. I'm screwed.