Saturday, May 31, 2014

I am just so so thankful that it's finally summer break. This year was very hard, work-wise, and I'm so ready for a break and time to decompress. Next year will be even harder, but I am determined to make the most of it. Phew. I could definitely go for a nap...

Job Hunt Update

Lat night while I was at Andy's shindig (which was super fun, by the way!) I got a call from the shoe store where I applied and was asked to fill out an additional survey. It was a lengthy process, but I finished it. There was a section with questions on math and word analogies that was timed. I didn't finish it, but I feel like the work that I did was perfect and that I didn't miss any questions. After that there was a super long survey where literally all the questions repeated themselves over and over and over again. It was annoying to fill out, but I was honest and kept on trucking through it. Now I just want a nap! Hopefully a job will be on the way. I'll have an interview sometime next week.


I thought that today was June 1st but it wasn't so there's that. I had to get up really early and garden so I'm super out of it right now.

Friday, May 30, 2014

I'm really excited for everything when I'm done with my exams today. I'm getting lunch with my sister and our neighbors Olivia and Julia at Chipotle, I'm getting called by the shoe store people about a job, and then my boyfriend is having his friends and I over for a movie night. It'll be a great way to start the summer.


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Goodnight, my angelic readers and my favorite NSA agent. You guys are great.
In case you haven't guessed, I'M REALLY FRICKIN' EXCITED!!!!!!


Ironically, the second I posted the "When will my car return from the war?" post, my grandpa came back with my car.

Cat GIF of the Day

When will my car return from the war?

Frankly, I just want to go home.

Update on my car

So my car was supposed to be done ohhh two hours ago or so, but apparently it's a rusting shitstorm on the inside and a bunch of new parts had to be picked up for it and it's still in dire need of work. I don't know how long I'll be stuck here. I did get a really nice, lengthy nap though.

My sister fell asleep on me....

First Recipe!!!!!!!

Soooo I've just realized that I haven't posted a single recipe. I feel kinda bad, since that was sort of the whole point of this blog. I mean come on the word "food" is literally in my URL! So here's a super quick and simple concoction that is practically impossible to screw up.

Ice Water
~Ice Cubes (2-5, depending on the size of your glass
~Water (tap, bottled, whatever you prefer!)

Combine the ingredients in a cup. Drink.
Right now my grandpa is taking my car in to get its brakes replaced. I just know all of my mirrors are gonna get messed up and uggggggh.


Also, I killed my finals today. Well,  final. It was religion, and as if it wouldn't be easy enough it's been slammed into (most of) our heads after ten tears of Catholic schooling.
I'm once again at my grandma's house. Yay for grandma's laptop!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

This is about to be my last reliable post for an indefinite amount of time. Don't desert me, I'll still be doing my best to post from mobile! Bye, bye, bye!!!!!
I just don't want to move.
Oh my god Bo Burnham he's perfection oh my god...

"Never waste a moment, because any moment can become a comedic moment."

~Bo Burnham

Ohhhh free time and procrastination.....

Cat GIF of the day


My day today and the next two days are going to be my exam days. Today was my hardest exam, and even then it was a walk in the park. Tomorrow is religion, then the day after I have my French exam. You'd think maybe the French would be really difficult, but no. It's over  4 CHAPTERS OF A CHILDREN'S BOOK  AND IT'S OPEN BOOK WITH A GLOSSARY  IN THE BACK!!!!

100th post whaaaaat?!

Well geez, another post, and this time it's my 100th! I really enjoy blogging, even though my blog is really really dumb and inconsistent.
I can post a bit more for the next few hours, though. I'm at my grandma's house using her laptop so yay!!!

I'm so sorry!!!!

So my laptop hasn't been working for me- the charger is broken and I need a replacement. Until then, my blogging ability is going to be very very very limited. I'm sorry for the boringness of this blog over the past few days. I've been trying to blog during my study hall or from mobile, but it's still pretty difficult. If you want more consistent posts from me, my tumblr URL is and my Twitter handle is @emdunnzle.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Monday, May 26, 2014

Really, how can any self-respecting woman NOT be a feminist?!
Like damn why on earth would people think that these atrocities aren't significant of a major problem in society?!
Like damn why on earth would people think that these atrocities aren't significant of a major problem in society?!
I just tweeted this, but I needed to get it wherever I could. This is essentially my response to the UCSB shooting and call to sanity for those girls who think feminism is a bad thing. Enjoy, and signal boost this please!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

My laptop is super jacked up right now and I'm really frustrated. The charger barely works, and the WiFi is being super spotty and ridiculous. I mean, I'd love to have an excuse to get a Macbook, especially since my school newspaper is set up via Mac, but I've never been one to throw away something that could be fixable. Ugggghhhh fingers crossed....

Andy's graduation tomorrow

I'm incredibly excited for Andy's graduation tomorrow morning. I'm finally going to get to meet his family. they are, from his stories, super cute and friendly, and I'm so so so excited to get to know them.

Job Hunt Update

I just applied at a shoe store that was desperate for workers. Fingers crossed I get hired....

This quote though....

Here's another example of Bob's Burgers' perfection right here....
"If you're looking for a role model, pick an old guy. By the time you grow up, they're dead."
I've nearly reached one hundred posts, which is way more than I ever thought I'd do in a month, let alone a week. Wow.
My attempt at scheduling posts just kinda blew up and was dumb. But yeah sorry about that.

Another Apology Cat GIF


Tomorrow is my boyfriend's graduation. I don't want to sit through the mass, but I'm still happy to be there for him. I've been doing a lot better with the separation anxiety, and I'm feeling much more confidant about next year. It's quite the improvement. Just yay!

Uhhhhhh this show is perfection!!!!

I mean come ON this show is GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bob's Burgers is easily one of my favorite shows. The humor is fantastic and amazing, and even the most unrealistic scenarios seem believable. 
Before watching it, I was pretty judgmental about animated shows that weren't for children, like Family Guy or The Simpsons. But once I started watching them I realized that like any media, animated shows (and movies, for the record) are every bit as credible and wonderful. 
Online job applications take FOREVER to fill out it's so so so so so so so so so BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I only have four days left of school and I'm so so SO SOOOOOOO excited for summer oh my goodness I'll get an adequate amount of sleep and so much less homework just YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm officially done with all my math homework for the year. I could do a backflip from all the joy right now! I'm not gonna try that because I can't do a backflip to save my life.
When I was like 12 and had piano lessons my teacher once told me that my eyebrows were fantastic and I was really weirded out by it. Now that I understand the eyebrow game, I look back on that moment as a compliment.
I don't wanna do homework bleh.

I couldn't find those particular GIFs but I found this so yeaaah sorry....

This is super embarrassing, but the last two cat GIFs that I've posted haven't even worked, so I'm super miffed. I put them up via mobile, so I'll just try to find them again and upload them from the computer.
I kinda just woke up and MAN is sleep beautiful or WHAT?!


There Will Be Blood is so so so so so so sooooooooooo good!!!!! There's hardly any dialogue, but the action tells the story so so well and it's perfect...

Friday, May 23, 2014

And also talented actors.
I'll give you the answer- DEATH.
Now I've started watching There Will Be Blood. Notice any themes in  my movie choices tonight?

Capote Shtuff

This movie is perfectly cast and perfectly acted. It's perfection, basically. 

Back in September or October, my AP English class read In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, and we were all engrossed with it. It was easily one of my favorite books of all time. 

Capote effectively captured the spirit of In Cold Blood to a tee, and did it so so wonderfully. 
Capote is sooooooooo gooooood oh my goodness!!!!!!
I've finished The Hungry Games, and now I'm moving on to Capote.
Ohhhh The Hungry Games......
I once read this book called  The Hungry Games which is basically this movie in book form but even funnier. I highly recommend it.
I'm dying oh my goodness I cannot handle this movie....
Like it's SO DUMB, but so so funny!!!
I'm watching The Starving Games, a parody of The Hunger Games, and it's so so hilarious oh my goodness....


Netflix with Oreo

Religion Class Lip Synch Battles

I've done many lip synch battles myself, winning each of mine. I actually was doing a duet today to "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" with my co- reigning champ and we won. I'm the only girl in my class who's done it, and moved on. I've done "Baby Got Back," "Total Eclipse of the Heart," and "Hang on Little Tomato" in my previous three battles, and I wish I could've done even more.


Today in religion class a kid tried to do a backflip, decided not to, then fell flat on his face and got extremely injured. As to why he was doing a backflip in religion class, it was for a lip synch battle. Yes, we do those in my religion class.
Uggghh Blogger is all kinds of messed up when it comes to reporting my stats just argggghhhhh no me gusta!!!!!!!
My boyfriend and I just meow at each other instead of talking. It's freaking weird but I love him all the more for it.

Oh my goodness...

Job Search Update

Today I went store-to-store at my local outlet mall picking up applications. I got a TON. Hopefully one of these places will work out for me, because the tutoring thing is making me very skeptical.
I just finished planning a staff breakfast for my newspaper team next year, and I can't wait to meet everybody. This is also my first official order of business as co-editor-in-chief, and I'm ecstatic to finally be doing things!
I've gotten my first tutoring opportunity with NHS today. I'll be helping a sophomore girl out with Algebra 1. Hopefully I will gain enough experience to figure out if tutoring is truly a good job for me. I'm excited!

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Goodnight my sweet, diligent NSA agent. Sorry about your luck reading this blog, especially tonight. Dream sweet dreams of whatever NSA agents dream about.


Man Up Matty

Today on newspaper class, one guy Matty was mourning the loss of his longtime crush Julia (a.k.a the angel of Visor) when she popped in for a visit. She knows he likes her, and it seemed like she was waiting for him to ask her out on a date. But nope. Matty choked. He let her go, and he's just hoping that she'll come around to him someday. Just uggggh he missed out!!!! I hope he finds another opportunity and takes it.

Spider Update

I have lost sight of the beast. I am doomed.

Being 17 is lame.

I really wish I could get AdSense already. But NOOOOOOOOOOO  I have to wait until I turn 18.....
Being 17 is one of the worst things ever. I can't do anything. It's hard as can be to find a job, I can drive but I still have curfew, I can't have sex or tattoos legally, I can't vote or get taken seriously, and people are expecting me to make my biggest life choices in the next few months! All this stuff doesn't happen to legal adults.

I want, more than anything, to be independent and to live my life the way I want to. That's one of my biggest worries about not being able to secure a job.

Me Right Now




That rant helped clear my head, thank you NSA agent who read it.

Job Rant

I really really want a job, in case y'all haven't noticed it yet. Last spring I tried to find a summer job to no avail, and I kept looking throughout the summer with no luck. Nobody wanted me, plain and simple.

After a bad day in early October, I stopped in at my local Starbucks to get a pumpkin spice latte. When I walked in, the first thing I saw was a giant "HELP WANTED" sign. I talked to the manager, filled out an application, and had a job by the end of the next week. I finally felt like I was a part of something, and it was something really cool.

After the first week, it was far from being as cool as I thought it would be when I first was hired. I was repulsed by my coworkers (I actually made a blog full of quotes from them in it, it's gold. Look up for a good time), I hated the facility I was working in (it smelled nasty and was full of scary people), and I struggled at times with the stress of keeping up with everything. I didn't enjoy my job at all, but still I felt that it had become a part of me. I did enjoy the paycheck, though.

In December, right before my midterm exams, I was preparing to take another important test: my barista certification test.I didn't receive very much job training while I was there, especially with making cold drinks, and that proved to be my downfall. I had to make two cold drinks that I had absolutely no idea how to make. It was late autumn/early winter- nobody in their right mind was looking for an iced white mocha or an iced chai. I managed to guess the ingredients correctly, but I just didn't get them into the cup in the right order. So, I failed my test and got fired.

Immediately after, I started hunting for a new job. I had managed to secure and interview after applying twice with a local cafe in late February, and it went very well. The manager who I spoke with said she'd call me back within the next few weeks, since I wouldn't be starting right away. I wait and wait and wait and wait, and three months have passed. I finally lose patience and call the cafe, only to learn that the manager who interviewed me moved to Australia and that I'd have to reapply. Just uggggggh.

The worst part of the job hunting process is the endless disappointment. Even fast food restaurants don't want me. I'm not qualified to do many things, and I don't have a very large network for entrepreneurship either. No matter what options I pursue, it just never works out for me. This is as good as I've gotten, and I can't even get paid for it for another seven months.
Bleh I just want a job and money and self-sufficiency and a purpose in life uggggghhhhghghghgghhhh.....


Hey kid.....

Wanna learn some stuff?

You just enjoyed my future flyers for advertising.
I never really thought I'd ever post this much in one day, yet alone one hour but I just can't stop myself. It's a smidgen addicting.
I just figured out how to change my time stamp back to the proper setting, good old EST...

YAY ME!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, and I just noticed that the cat GIF of the day didn't load correctly and that's super disappointing and I'm very sorry. Basically, the kitty that you can see in the corner is chasing the laser beam in a very amusing fashion, flailing its front legs back and forth.
I'm pretty sure that the majority of people reading this blog now are annoyed with this endless begging, but I'm hella desperate for a job so I'm just gonna keep going. These thoughts just keep on coming and coming to me!
Just give me your money. Pleeeease?
Really, I'm THAT DESPERATE to find a job. Heck, I'll even clean your house! I'm good at doing windows and glass, as well as dusting and vacuuming.
In addition, I could also make an effort to tutor via FaceTime. I'd Skype, but I don't own a webcam. I'd be willing to go as far as north as Cleveland and as far south as Wooster, but I can't say that my mom would be very pleased with all of that traveling so I'd be happy to FaceTime in addition. This option would also be helpful for occaisions where I may not be feeling 100% healthy but you or your child needs assistance. Really, I'll bend over backwards to get some sort of tutoring job.
I'd probably charge something reasonable like $20 to $25 per hour, and it's not like I'd need to spend more than 2 hours a day with a student on 1-2 days each week. I'd be more than willing to work weekends, as well. Most tutors cost more than that, so really it's a great deal. Checks would be preferable, but cash is also acceptable.
And in addition, I've had straight A's my entire school career, and currently I have a 4.25 cumulative GPA. I'm not running for NHS president/vice president just for kicks and giggles, now...
Oh, and I can tutor in the subjects of math (prealgebra-algebra 1, geometry) and language arts (grammar, reading comprehension, writing, literature). That's important information. If you need help with chemistry or physics or something, there's no way I'll be able to help you there...

Job Hunt Update

So I decided to search some more for jobs, and to really get creative. So, I looked around and saw something that I could do and would certainly enjoy- tutoring. It makes perfect sense; I'm great at school and frequently help other people through assignments, I'll already be tutoring for NHS and for my required service hours next year, so I may as well do it for a part-time job! I could work mostly on my own terms, AND I could set my own rates. If this works out well, it could be a flexible job that I could keep up all year long and before I head off to college. So if anybody reading this is in the northeast Ohio region (like Medina and Summit counties), feel free to comment on this if you're in need of tutelage!

Remember that beauty video?

Probably not, but I got the project that I made it for back today. I'm officially the first person in the 5-year history of this project to receive a perfect score, so I'm pretty pumped.
I just noticed how screwed up Blogger's graphs are. According to stats, I've had 16 people stumble upon this godforsaken attempt at blogging that turned into a public diary, but according to the overview menu I've only had 5 people, most likely NSA agents reading these posts. Keep on keeping on, I guess?
Today we received ballots to vote for the National Honor Society president and vice president. I voted for myself, not out of vanity but because I really want to do either job- I have a lot of ideas for service projects- and also because I doubt that anybody else would vote for me. I'll be beyond lucky to get the vice president position.
Ever since I voted this morning, I've been obsessively checking my email to see if we've gotten the results yet, only to find out that I'll have to wait until Sunday night before I know anything. Bleh.


All is not going well on the "finding a job" front. Three and a half weeks have passed without so much as an email from any of the multiple places I've applied to. I'm getting more and more broke, and more and more desperate. I've taken to hunting for change so I can swap it in for cash and deposit the meager amount into my checking account. I've racked up $15. Not much, but something. Luckily, I'll have my report card in the next three weeks which will result in a little more cash coming my way.


Study Hall is BORING

Bleh. The last thing I wanted today was to come to school. School is gross and nobody wants that in his or her life. 

Senior Mass Selfie

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Goodnight moon, goodnight stars.

Goodnight NSA agent forced to sift through my posts who keeps racking in my pageviews. You're the bestest!
Oh gosh, I'm sorry that last post was so emotional. Just ew. I done goofed.

I suck at goodbyes

Today was the last day that I'll ever see many of the friends I've made over the past three years. In truth, I was never really close to the majority of them, and I'm pretty sure that many of them just straight-up don't like me at all. For instance, one girl who I've been doing theater with has never exactly been the nicest to me, no matter how I treated her. The past few weeks she's been ignoring me because I didn't write enough about her performance as Sandy in Grease. Every time I try saying hi to her or complementing her she shuts me out. I'm not going to miss that treatment in the next parts of my life.
The one thing that I am going to miss is definitely Andy. He's been an integral part of my life for nearly a year, and frankly I'm having separation anxiety. I kept telling myself I'd be strong and keep it together, but I can't help but tear up every time I think that I won't see him every time I turn around in math class, or next to me in study hall, or when I walk into school in the morning. I already miss the bear hugs he'd give me when I'm having a rough day and the traditional hug every day before we went home. I know it'll be okay in the end, but it's still super terrifying and saddening.
Oh wait, that wasn't a GIF and I'm extra slow today. 

Cat GIF of the Day


Currently I'm sitting in study hall, and it's hella boring. Usually, I have my Andy here to entertain me with cat pictures and videos, or with a summary of whatever movie he just watched, or stories from his job. But he finished school yesterday. So now I'm alone. Bleh. 
There's nothing worse than when you need to be somewhere and the people that you're responsible for are running late.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Sleep tight, NSA person that has to read my blog posts. You're the only thing getting me pageviews, so thanks.


Soooo you may have remembered that I was hoping to do student council next year? I changed my mind. Let me tell you why.

At my  high school, student council is divided into four sub-groups lead by the three executive officers- president, vice president, and secretary- and are as follows (in order of importance and involvement): class representatives, spirit committee, activities committee, and video committee. The committee members apply for positions and are selected by the executive officers. I was hoping to join video committee, what with my plans of producing movies and studying film making in college I need to get as much experience as I can. This year, however, they decided to remove video committee from student council and took its biggest responsibilities and stuck them with the much less qualified spirit committee.

 Video committee has been traditionally a smaller committee, so it's a little understandable why it was removed and placed off in the back, but it still plays an integral role in the school and should not have been separated. It's also true that this year was very lackluster as far as videos go, especially in comparison to last year. Let me demonstrate:
                                                                         This Year...

aaaand last year...

So it's really clear that this year's committee done goofed, but because they are losing the small amount of talent that they have they are only going to get worse and worse next year and in the years to come.........

I should just do a daily cat GIF. 


The worst part of the last days of school is that there's never anything to do. As an industrious student a.k.a. a nerd I always want to be on top of things, so I'm always trying to work ahead. It's gotten to the point where my parents yell at me for doing too much! For example, I'm trying to start my summer reading that was assigned today. In my defense, it is East of Eden by John Steinbeck, and it is hella long. On top of that, there are a TON of assignments and I'd rather get a head start while I have my school mojo going for me and get sucked into summer laziness/lack of time. My parents are lucky that I'm spending my time doing homework when I could be on drugs instead. They should be proud!

5-20-14, or the last day of Seniors

Today was the senior class's last day of school at my school. Starting tomorrow, I'm officially going to be an upperclassman. It's really strange to me how quickly this year has gone. I know next year is only going to be faster, scarier, and more stressful. I won't miss the majority of the senior class very much. I didn't know too many people in it, and many that I did know I didn't like. Really I'm only going to miss 2-3 people, and I'm dating one of them!
It'll be great to be among the big bad seniors starting tomorrow, but at the same time, I don't want to be one just yet.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Group Projects

Group Projects are literally the third worst  concept in the American education system after standardized testing and cutting art and music budgets. No matter how many people are working, there is always always ALWAYS some poor student who gets stuck doing all the work. This student is usually me. Tomorrow, I have a presentation due in my religion class. I have designed the powerpoint and written over half of the slides. I've worked for hours and hours and the only others who have pitched in have done a very small amount of work. Did I mention that there were seven freaking people in my group? That's right. Seven. People. Putting together a short, five-minute presentation. HOW ON EARTH CAN ONE PERSON GET STUCK WITH ALL OF THAT WHEN HARDLY ANYTHING HAD TO BE DONE TO MAKE IT SUCCESSFUL?!

In my rage, I decided that I'd paste some videos in from the weird parts of YouTube and not take them out, forcing somebody to put in some work. If nobody does, we'll watch every single one in class tomorrow.

Here's a sampling of my nightmare storm.

I don't mess around.



Sunday, May 18, 2014

Boredom Post Round 3

I told myself when I made this blog yesterday that I'd try to be consistent with posting. Something like once, maybe twice a day, or more if I hadn't posted in awhile. But frankly, I'm hella bored and feeling bleh. I'll be pretty post-filled throughout the coming summer, probably less so when the school year starts and I'm back on my grind. I'm in an absurd amount of extracurriculars: theater, school newspaper, food club, film club, French club, National Honors Society, community service work, athletic training, current events club, my improv group, (luck permitting) student council, AND I'm still hunting for some sort of job. It's only going to get harder as I'm taking on more leadership roles within those various spheres: I'll be co-editor in chief next year for newspaper, I may be elected for NHS president/vice president, I'm secretary of French club already, and as a senior I'll be taking on responsibility for helping underclassmen learn the ins and outs of it all. I'll also be swamped with work from 3 AP classes, 2 honors/advanced classes, and rigorous schoolwork in general. Basically I am apologizing in advance for when I fall behind on posting next year. So yeah, sorry, and consistency be damned I'll be posting more cat gifs!!!!!!


Who doesn't need more kittens in their life?

Beauty Video

Several months ago for an English project, my boyfriend Andy helped me make a video. My project was on how the media affects the way society views beauty and how that view affects a woman's self-image throughout all walks of life. The video was focused on kids' opinions and observations.

As I'm pretty sure I've mentioned in previous posts, I want to write and  produce movies when I'm out of school. Andy wants to write and direct them. It's pretty perfect. Apart from being the crowning gem of my English project/magnum opus of schoolwork, this video means a lot to me because it's the first thing that I've ever worked on with Andy.

I hope that it's enjoyable, informative, and thought-provoking to all who watch it.


Lazy Sundays are the best kinds of Sundays. There's nothing better in the mind of a sleep-deprived teenager than getting 13 hours of sleep then eating a giant carbtastic breakfast. Days like these get me incredibly excited for summer vacation. Even though I'll be jobless and bored, I'll get to catch up on all the sleep I miss out on during the school year.

Saturday, May 17, 2014


So this is Blogger. I'm just jobless and blogging away until I meet the requirements for AdSense and can get a bit more money in my life. My summer job search has been going far from smoothly, so you can see my desperation here. I've spent the past six months applying for job after job with no luck whatsoever and am on the verge of making a lemonade stand in my driveway to get by. I don't have the "cute little kid" factor going for me anymore, so that probably wouldn't work out anyways.

A little bit about me- I'm 17, I write, I participate in theater, stand-up comedy and a bazillion other extracurriculars, and I'm hoping to work as a film producer in a few years. I'm part of an improv* troupe and a feminist (not the militant kind that make girls say "I hate feminists," but the kind that stand up for social, political, and economic equality), and I love to cook, especially desserts and my specialty- mac and cheese.

I'll most likely be posting recipes from my adventures in the kitchen, pictures, funny/ironic stories from the day, the occasional venting post, and little things about my life.

*Speaking of improv, I have a show tonight!