Monday, May 19, 2014

Group Projects

Group Projects are literally the third worst  concept in the American education system after standardized testing and cutting art and music budgets. No matter how many people are working, there is always always ALWAYS some poor student who gets stuck doing all the work. This student is usually me. Tomorrow, I have a presentation due in my religion class. I have designed the powerpoint and written over half of the slides. I've worked for hours and hours and the only others who have pitched in have done a very small amount of work. Did I mention that there were seven freaking people in my group? That's right. Seven. People. Putting together a short, five-minute presentation. HOW ON EARTH CAN ONE PERSON GET STUCK WITH ALL OF THAT WHEN HARDLY ANYTHING HAD TO BE DONE TO MAKE IT SUCCESSFUL?!

In my rage, I decided that I'd paste some videos in from the weird parts of YouTube and not take them out, forcing somebody to put in some work. If nobody does, we'll watch every single one in class tomorrow.

Here's a sampling of my nightmare storm.

I don't mess around.

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