Monday, September 8, 2014


Auditions today went pretty well! There were a ton of kids who had never done theater ever before, so it sucks for them since there are only 10 speaking parts and our director is more likely to pick people he trusts and has worked with before...

I'm feeling pretty confident.

Other things from today:
My co-editor-in-chief had a hissy fit today because nobody had their stories completely ready and she was mad at the world for not bending to her will. She started snapping and yelling at everyone, even our adviser. Being around her gives me headaches. I appreciate her skills, but I do not appreciate the way she treats other people: as if all they are are means to an end for her. Preferably an end where she gets all the praise for her contributions.
It's really annoying, because while I'm busting my ass helping people out any way I can, writing my three stories in three days, and editing stories for the paper she won't even take the time to write one! I understand that she does design work, but if she's going to enforce a standard, she sure as hell shouldn't be exempt from it. That's my philosophy. I just feel bad about the situation overall.

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