Monday, December 1, 2014


I'm currently knee-deep in research papers now, but it's a huge relief to no longer have to worry about my stock market project for Economics. I'm just counting down to the end of the semester, it's all I can do at this point. 

School today wasn't overly terrible, it just wasn't my idea of joyful. Everything has just been "projects, projects, papers, projects, articles, exams, tests, projects, homework, projects, debates, papers, exams, exams, projects...." On the bright side, my grades have been going up and my GPA is at the highest it's been since school started this year! I mean I'll never have a 4.553 like I did at the end of the second week of school ever again, but a girl can dream! I'm having less and less B's, and if I did as well on my AP Bio test last week as I've been hoping I did, I'm going to be in fantastic shape at the end of this quarter!

I managed to go with my sister to take our dog on a 2-mile long walk. It was a nice distraction, but it wasn't really enough to get me through the day. I just want to curl up in a ball because I'm sore and lonely.

I can't wait one bit until next semester when I have a study hall and Advanced Video Production and no more Honors Government or Economics, get my scholarship applications and housing business done for college, and so on. I just can't wait to be finished with all of that stuff. 

I can hardly wait until the end of the week, for that matter. Not getting to talk to Andy every day has been driving me crazy, and it's only been about 24 hours since the whole debacle started. It makes me miss him. I miss being able to talk to my friends and play games and stuff too. I don't enjoy being grounded in this way at all. It's too lonely, and I hate being away from Andy and my friends like this. How am I going to make it through the week, let alone to Wednesday?!

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