Saturday, February 28, 2015


I've spent the last several  hours getting ready and I'm completely okay with that! I can't complain, I love getting prettied up and whatnot.

Winter Formal Today

Tonight is Winter Formal and I'm pretty excited! Dylan and I are getting dinner at this Italian restaurant in Akron, and then after the dance, Dylan, Abby, and I are going to Steak and Shake for glorious munchies food. Then, I'm sleeping over at Abby's house, so I'm definitely looking forward to tonight! I think I might be more excited for everything after the dance than the actual dance itself, but that's okay!


Oops I just watched two documentaries and four episodes of 30 Rock and it's already "tomorrow" oops!!!!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Thankfully, my package of LUSH bath bombs came in the mail today, so you can bet your ass that I took a luxurious bubble bath after my lengthy nap! It was pretty wonderful!

*sigh* I want to change myself a lot...

Depending on how long you've read my blog, you know that I have all sorts of plans to change my body and improve it drastically. While I struggle with that aspect of myself, there are a lot of other things I want to change/improve about myself. One of which, is becoming more financially independent and splurging less.

I'm a terrible impulse buyer, and since I'm hardly working anymore, this is a very dangerous habit for me to have and one I desperately need to break before I get into college. I'm not too sure how to do that other than to abstain from things I don't normally use/need. Like the whole camera thing from earlier in the week! I don't necessarily need a camera right now as my Video Production teacher got rigs for the iPads with lenses to improve image quality and microphones to help with sound. Because of this, I don't really need a camera until at least next year. I'm now planning on waiting until the Christmas of my sophomore year in college to ask for a nice, DSLR camera from all of my family members pooling together money. I'd prefer it to clothes, as I prefer to pick those sorts of things out myself.

Then, there's the whole job thing... I'm pretty nervous about that. I want to get a part time job doing something with retail while I'm at DePaul, whether this involves working on campus at the bookstore or working in the many shops and boutiques in the surrounding area. For instance, there's a Famous Footwear just a short walk/10-minute bus ride from the Lincoln Park campus! Then there are also other stores nearby that I enjoy or could see myself working at. All I want is a steady paycheck so that I can build up my savings account at home for and have an incredibly solid checking account overall. Like my sister, who's a year younger than me, has had her job steadily since the summer (unlike the on-off stuff that I've been putting up with) and even though she gets pretty small paychecks, she has saved up to the point where there are over $800 in her checking account and even more on the side from allowance and tips! The only steady income I have is a $20 allowance that doesn't even come every week... 

Guess whose father ruined EVERYTHING?!

THIS GIRL'S!!!!!!!!!! You remember how I was worried that he'd call the school and lead to the boycotting of Spring Awakening for everybody (which was a long shot) but doubted that anything would come of it, even if he contacted the school? Well everything that I thought could go wrong did and then some!

He not only emailed the principal last night, he called this morning to ensure that his email was read! I went in to visit my director "K" before school started to warn him of any impending calls from my father, and he told me that not only did my dad contact the school, K was about to meet with the principal to discuss the whole thing!

At the end of the day, we were all emailed a copy of a letter from the principal detailing the fact that we would not be allowed to see Spring Awakening. I'm soooooo glad my dad ruined that experience for everybody, and that my friend won't have anyone in the audience there to cheer him on!!!!! I feel FABULOUS!!!!!! 

And the worst part is is that this entire thing is all his fault. I hope he's really fucking happy with himself!!!! I've had my issues with my dad before, but this is the last straw for me. I don't even want to talk to him. I genuinely mean it when I say that I look forward to the day when I'm completely comfortable and financially independent and can cut him out of my life. That probably won't be until I'm at least thirty, so I've got twelve years to go, now...

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Hopefully things will sort themselves out with the musical thing. Fingers crossed.

I could probably write a series of novels on my relationship with my dad.

I mean if movie-making doesn't work out, I can always write that fantastic tell-all memoir and do some stand-up comedy on the side.

Uggggggggh Rough Seas Ahead

So in late March, my school's theater program is heading down to Columbus for the State Theater Conference. We do this every year, and it's always been a pretty positive experience. Well, until today.

One of the major portions of the State Conference is the presentation of the All-Ohio show. Essentially, All-Ohio takes the best and brightest actors and actresses, stage managers, crew members, and techies from across the state of Ohio and they all put together a show. The show alternates between a musical and a play. This year, it's a musical, and that musical is Spring Awakening

For those of you unfamiliar with the musical, it's a very beautiful show that explores the drama and trauma of puberty, bildungsroman (coming of age), and teen angst. It tackles a lot of typically taboo topics like sexuality, masturbation, sex, abortion, suicide, and sexual abuse. I have absolutely no problems with the show, and think that it's fantastic, beautiful, and overall spectacular. In fact, my friend Luke is in it! However, my DAD has a problem.

Part of the deal with Spring Awakening is that our parents had to sign a consent form for us to see the show, regardless of if we are of legal age or not, since it covers such sensitive themes. My mom and I, over a month ago, signed and turned in the consent form, and we thought that that would be the end of it. But alas, my troupe director Mr. K sent out an email to all students and ALL parents, both mothers and fathers of all the kids going, to inform them of the show, and needless to say, my ultra-conservative dad took great offense to it. 

Tonight, my mom, dad, and I had a talk (which really was my dad yelling and blustering through half-sentences-half-slurs and cussing up a storm) about the show. My dad's main point, hidden behind his clumsy, angry words, was that a Catholic high school like mine should have opted to boycott this particular show and should reserve the right for the department that sets up these shows to select shows that do not offend the beliefs of a particular audience, but are shows that every person in the theater can get behind and enjoy. While I stand behind this thought, I don't think censoring a theater conference is going to do very much or go over very well. The biggest problem I had with my dad's tirade was the insults he gave to my theater program, Mr. K, my school's principal, my friend in the show and his parents, and another completely unrelated girl who graduated but played nearly every lead role in the productions at school. (The last girl is a whole other story, my parents hate her because they feel like she kept me from getting good roles but it is what it is, and she's very talented and did a good job with the roles, even if she was never kind to me,)

My dad announced his plans to call my school principal and attempt to shame her for "not having the balls to eiorbewouiafioabfowa!" It's funny because my principal is a woman. Then, he called Mr. K, one of my favorite teachers and an adult I trust considerably more than him, a "namby-pamby who was trying to indoctrinate us theater kids with goddmaned liberal ideas." That's also funny because Mr. K teaches religious studies at me school, and is hands down the best religion teacher there. Then, he insulted my friend for "wanting to go up and do a masturbation and then do some suiciding on the stage" and his parents for allowing him to take part in such a "vile theater-concert." This made me incredibly angry, because my friend Luke is an incredibly talented performer, and performing in an All-Ohio production is something to be extremely proud of regardless of which show it is, AND because his mother was my pediatric dentist and my dad just threw her under the bus. Then, with the other girl, my dad referenced her endless appearances onstage at almost any event at my school, whether singing the National Anthem, performing "Amazing Grace" on the bagpipes before football games, dancing with the dance team during the halftime shows, or all of the above and said that "she may has well have been doing a masturbation, too!"

That was all just too damn much. I can hardly stand my father and his endless desire to protect the innocence that I don't have and lost years ago (no thanks to him) as well as his need to impress his extreme conservative views that we see daily in his Bill O'Reilly-adoring, FOX News-consuming, offensive email-readings, and more. I am who I am, and he still hasn't learned that and he probably never will. I do my best to put up with him and appease him, because I know I can never get him to learn so I shouldn't even waste my time with that, but there comes a point where the line needs to be drawn.

If you haven't guessed by now, I don't have a great relationship with my dad, and our ideological differences only split us apart further and further. It makes me sad, really, but I know that I'm helpless against it, because I can't change, and I doubt that he can either.
Also, I'm super pumped that I won't be going with the group that had my ex, the homecoming queen, a guy who annoys the bejeezus out of me, and two girls I've never met before to the dance because they "weren't able to change the reservations at thee last second." Really, I'm excited! I only would have had Dylan, Abby, and then only one friend to talk to while I was there!

Evening Adventure

I took my dog to the vet earlier to get the sutures from her surgeries removed, and we had a grand old time together! She was a brave doge at the vet's office, and on both of our car rides we had a really fun time. We discovered that her favorite songs are "Fergilicious" and "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun," and we had a really cute singing and dancing party that featured me almost driving into our local bank since she kept trying to stick her head into my armpits. It was really really precious!
Blehhhh I'm so so soooo tired now....


Today was, for the most part, uneventful. The only (incredibly ironic) thing that happened to me was finding out that the group that Dylan arranged for us to get pictures and dinner with before Winter Formal was the group that my ex and the lovely homecoming queen are in! ISN'T THAT SO FREAKING FUN, GUYS?!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015




So if that means drinking nothing but lemon water the next three days, so be it! If that means exercising for a solid hour and a half each day, so be it! If that means skipping breakfast, fine! The point is, I'm about to lose some weight, tone my body up, and then have a great time with it!
I mean I need to start really losing weight since spring break (and therefore, ARUBA) is in about a month for me! I was doing pretty great before I hurt my ankle, and now that it's basically back to normal I really need to make sure that I'm getting myself back on track. My goal this weekend is to weigh myself on Sunday, and I want to weigh about the same amount that I did before my ankle was injured, give or take 0.3 lbs.


I managed to fit in another full body workout before bed! Go me!!!! I'm feeling super determined to lose some weight/tone up before Saturday. Tomorrow, I'm going to wake up early so I can do a small, short workout. Then after school I'm going to hit the treadmill and then repeat my workout from tonight, adding in a few extra small things! I may skip breakfast/have a lighter lunch than usual, I'm not sure yet. Either way, I'm going to be taking serious strides to improve my fitness and my body.

I was productive, score!

Wish me Luck!!!

Goodbye for now!

I have to hand off the computer to my sister for a few hours now, so goodbye for now! I promise I'll (try to) be productive!!!!!!!

Uggggggh I lost the fire and I still have all kinds of work to do....

I'm gonna try to get through my bio and at least do SOME of the math homework that I have. I need to, as a bare minimum, do the homework that I had over the snow days and the worksheet that was my homework for the past two nights. I can always do tonight's math homework in study hall tomorrow/before school. The bottom line is that I'm not motivated enough in math which is why I am always putting it off and it ends up biting me in the ass in the end. Like in the units where I pay attention and actually do my homework the night it's assigned, I do soooo much better on the tests and stuff than when I'm constantly procrastinating, not paying attention, and struggling to catch up. I did GREAT during the last chapter, but with this new one, not so much...
Overall I'm pretty pleased with my day off, although it comes nowhere close to anything Ferris Buehler-esque. This is honestly the most productive I've been in ages!

Believe it or not, I'm on fire!!!!

Over the past hour and a half, I've basically finished my religion homework, made a lot of headway on my poetry analysis packet for English, AND I'm just about finished with my service project essay! I mean I haven't started my math, but that's not necessarily a bad thing! To be honest, I got about as much work done in an hour and a half at home as I would have done in eight hours at school, if that tells you anything about my school schedule.

OKAY, I'm doing SOME work...

I've decided to split the time until my sister gets home with my work between my next Video Production project, my community service hours essay, and getting ahead on my religion homework. I'm not about to look at my math until my sister arrives home with a calculator. If the spirit moves me, I'll read some of my textbook to try to get a better understanding of what's going on there. I can't really afford to get behind; I only JUST brought my grades up from the pits of despair and fixed my GPA to where it ought to be...


I'm super bored and not in the mood at all to work on homework and the like. I probably should at least catch up on my math, but it's annoying and I don't want to work at all....
I'm kinda in the mood to watch Marley and Me or something of that like. I need some cute animal antics in my day!

Sick Day

I essentially passed out last night and was out cold. I feel pretty blehhhhh and weak more than anything else. I was incredibly dizzy earlier, but now that I've eaten I feel somewhat better. Overall I just need some time to recuperate myself and get stronger for tomorrow. I can't really sleep anymore, but it's nice just to lay down and rest my head and everything else. I don't really want to go back to school, to be honest! But I'll survive. Not too long until I'll be out of school anyways, and that's the silver lining I need!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Aaaaand to top everything off, my ankle is really hurting me again. Like can it wait until after the Winter Formal dance this weekend?


Overall, today was pretty awful. I finally got an email from DePaul about the scholarship, and well... I didn't get an interview. I'm pretty upset about that since it sort of validates all the feelings I had been having the other night when the whole posting of scholarship brags began. That, on top of the whole beautiful homecoming queen getting with my ex thing threw my self-esteem in the shitter today. I haven't felt this awful about myself in quite some time.

The only good part of my day was volunteering at my school's blood drive, but even that got marred since my poor sister went through some traumatic experiences in that whole process. My sister has blood drawn regularly for tests and the like, so she was expecting things to be a piece of cake. And of course, they weren't! Her nurse could not find the vein correctly and wound up bruising her arm pretty terribly. She had started to cry and she absolutely HATES crying, so I helped her out and got her tissues and juice and cookies while she was feeling horrible. Once they finally got the needle into her arm properly, they cut her donation short since she wasn't getting blood out fast enough, so she basically went through all that trouble for nothing. Now, she's in a ton of pain and so am I. 

I just want to sleep, so I'm probably going to ignore the majority of my homework again.

LOL @ My Self-Esteem

So this morning I found out that my ex boyfriend is going to the school's winter formal with another school's homecoming queen… Meanwhile, I'm the trash queen...

Monday, February 23, 2015


At least I managed to squeeze in a workout!
Call me "Fifty Shades of Pathetic..."
I've accomplished literally nothing on my to-do list for tonight. I am a waste of human cells and oxygen.




I'm slowly dying and I still haven't done my math homework from the snow days yet oops...
I had birthday cake for dinner tonight and I don't regret it one bit!

I did get sucked into an incredibly long phone call with my dad's health insurance company for a survey about my practically-nonexistent-since-it's-so-well-controlled asthma that was painfully annoying and ruined the meal. It also prevented me from talking to my mom about Columbus and a camera... That was pretty obnoxious....

Soooooo I'm looking at cameras...

Since I'm stuck filming on a clumsy, low-quality iPad for Video Production AND since I'll eventually need a camera of my own, I've been scoping out cameras for myself. I am currently between the Canon Rebel T3i and the Nikon D3200. Both are HD DSLR cameras, but the Nikon camera is about $103 cheaper and I need to save every penny I can get. I'm going to talk it out with my mom, along with the whole "shooting a movie in Columbus for a week or two over the summer" thing either tonight or tomorrow night. I always get really nervous about this stuff because I'm always worried that she'll say no, but I don't know why she'd say no to me about the Columbus movie business since that'll really be beneficial to me and my career as well as giving me more experience in Film. The camera however, is another story. I know she'd rather me save my money so that I have more spending money in college, so I don't know how that'll go. I think she'll like the idea of me going for the cheaper but similar Nikon in the place of the Canon, so I don't really know!
I don't have too much work to do tonight; just math! I probably won't end up doing that, though, knowing me....


Well, my day was relatively uneventful! I survived my religion test and my AP Bio test (which was actually a partner test!) and, other than being called a "controlling bitch" by my co-editor-in-chief of the newspaper, made it through the day unscathed! 

Sunday, February 22, 2015


I've accepted my imminent death by AP Bio test tomorrow.... Goodbye, cruel world!!!!!



I don't want to go to school AT ALL tomorrow. It's not that I hate school so much, it's that I'm not looking forward to taking a test first thing in the morning and then to take another test at the end of the day that we haven't even finished learning the material for!!!! Like that's ridiculous. I know we had the snow days and everything, but it's not like I can just teach myself bioenergetics!  It's just not going to work out for anybody...
The family dinner was pretty solid! I mostly just got money as a birthday gift. I can't complain though! I guess I can now buy the stuff that was on my birthday list in the first place!
As much as I've been looking forward to the whole birthday party thing, I kinda just want to take a nap and not have to worry about doing anything for the rest of the day. My family is coming over in an hour, but knowing them it'll be more like 30-45 minutes. Time means nothing to them, and if you're early, you're on time. If you're on time, you're late, and if you're late, you're the Dunns!


I finished my homework homework by 2:00 so all I have left to do is study!!!!!
Later this afternoon my family is coming over to celebrate my birthday (one month late, of course!). It's gotten to be so long since my birthday was supposed to happen that I can't even remember what I wanted for my birthday! I guess that means that I can't be disappointed too much!
I did discover that I'm pretty great at making balloon animals, too!

Last Night

I did end up going to the show last night thankfully! I took my sweet time driving in because NOTHING WAS FREAKING PLOWED but I did manage to make it to the venue alive! Once I got there, I helped with decorating and setting up for the show. We usually have about 100 people that come to the anniversary show, but because of the snowstorm only 25 people came. Dylan came, and after the show we went to Steak & Shake. I got some french fries and then went to my grandparents' house for the night! Overall, it was a great time and I wouldn't have traded it for anything.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

HUGE NEWS!!!!!!!


The only thing is, I have to talk it out with my parents. I don't see why they'd say no, but there's always that chance...
Ugggggggghhh I don't want to do anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I'm going to try to be much more optimistic about things. Sleeping did me well, so I'm just going to keep trying to get back into the spirit of things. I mean my improv troupe's anniversary show is tonight! And regardless of the weather my mom needs to let me go since I'll be performing AND I need to decorate. I may sleep over at my grandparents' house in Akron though if the weather is too bad after the show. Nonetheless, that's an exciting thing and I'm greatly looking forward to it!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Goodnight, I guess

Peace out from your favorite anthropomorphic garbage can
Do you ever just sit and think about all of your failures and painfully recollect the moment when you knew you were a worthless piece of human trash and wasted potential? Because same...

My earlier outburst...

Obviously I was having a pretty excellent night before my last post, so I'm sure you're wondering what happened.

Remember how a month ago I had turned in a scholarship application for DePaul? Well, a bunch of people posted on the DePaul Facebook page about how they had gotten emails informing them that they were finalists and would be selected for an interview with DePaul for the scholarship. So far, I've gotten nothing. I was incredibly upset at that moment because: 

  1. People shouldn't have been bragging about that over Facebook in front of everybody who obviously would not be getting an interview.
  2. I had worked SO SO HARD on that application; it was PRISTINE! Plus, I have so many different leadership experiences under my belt! I'm the President of a club, I've been the secretary of another, I've got varsity letters for Athletic Training, I've been on the editorial board of my school newspaper ever since I started there and I'm the GOD DAMN EDITOR IN CHIEF so I am essentially the head of my school's press! I've been with the National Youth Leadership Foundation's Envision program, and I was selected among my peers as their leader while I was there! And these are the kids who are hardcore and ambitious, dedicated and driven, and they chose ME as their leader...
  3. One of the girls who was bragging about getting an interview had previously posted about procrastinating on the scholarship application in the first place! She said something along the lines of "Whew just barely managed to make the midnight deadline anybody else with me?" with some emojis after turning it in. It just disgusts me overall that someone who procrastinated and probably didn't work nearly as hard is so happily flaunting it about.
  4. When these things happen to me (and they happen all the time, I'm never good enough for anything) it makes me reevaluate my worth as a person and really tears me apart.
I had been temporarily cheered up by one of my friend's who is going to DePaul next year telling me that they are going to be letting people know if they are finalists all the way to the end of the month, so there's some hope for me. But then, my sister ruined the good mood.

My sister doesn't believe in me at all. When I tried to tell her about how I was feeling, she just berated me, told me I was being over-dramatic, told me that I'm not that special, and all this other stuff. I couldn't take it anymore and just cried. I'm still crying, to be honest. I always support her in ALL of her endeavors, even if I don't support the reasons behind them or the beliefs backing them up. She's my sister, and I love her, so I support her because that's what good sisters do. But she never does the same thing for me. Honestly she treats me like dirt and I'm sick of it.

God I feel like shit.


Today I was pretty productive! I never want to see another pair of scissors again after all that I did with making flags and cutting up tee shirts for a quilt my mom is making! I made soup, didn't really get a chance to blog at all because my sister was hogging the computer, but that's okay since I'm here now! Tonight I'm going to be washing dishes, working out again, and then heading back into the world of Netflix documentaries and knitting!


Thursday, February 19, 2015

I managed to get around to working out tonight, which was pretty great!!! I basically accomplished everything I had set out to do today except for making the decorations for my show on Saturday.
I love having my room extra clean! My sister says that it's still gross and messy, but honestly this is the best shape that it's been in since I got in in the first place. I've cleared out soooo much stuff, it's incredible! It amazes me how many stupid, useless things I was holding on to without even thinking about it. I can hardly believe it!

I feel so productive!!!!

I cleared out a ton of stuff from my closet so now I have soooo much more space and it's much cleaner!!! I've made a ton of progress there! Since I don't have school today or tomorrow, I'm going to work out more and work on decorations for my show Saturday. I'll keep cleaning things in my room as I see fit, as well!
Ahhhh I don't really have any homework for today so I'm in pretty good shape already!!!!

Cold Day

I kinda crashed out last night!!!! Today I have to be pretty productive, though. I need to make some decorations for the anniversary show on Saturday, I need to finish reading Frankenstein, I need to exercise (a LOT), I need to do whatever homework teachers decide to give on this lovely cold day, and I need to clean out my closet and continue to clean up my room! It's a daunting list, but I think I can handle doing it all.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

On the bright side, I'm definitely going to improv tonight so I'm happy about that!
We STILL haven't called off school yet....


I went through my friend list and deleted all the people who were one or more of the following:
1.) Annoying
2.) I don't care to talk to/stay in touch with
3.) I don't know why I added them in the first place
4.) I will most likely never see again, and don't mind the fact that I won't see them again

I went from over 600 friends to around 325! It was kinda fun to clean it out, to be honest. After graduation I'll definitely go through again and weed out more people that I don't particularly care for. I recommend that everyone do this every once in a while!
We might  have the next two days off school because of the crazy winter weather! Two of the area schools called off for the week already, so there's a pretty solid chance that it'll happen. We're definitely getting one day, there's no way that we won't! I am really pumped for this, because I definitely need some rest.

Ash Wednesday

Today is the beginning of the Lenten season for all the Catholics out there, which included my school having a long, dull mass. The boy next to me fell asleep and it was kinda precious, so I let him keep sleeping until his friend woke him up. It's been an incredibly dull day overall, and I just want to go back to bed.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015




Dad's Home!

My dad got home from San Diego this afternoon! I didn't really miss him, but at least I'll be getting woken up at a more consistent hour since he always wakes me up on time.
Hey, if you missed my post about signing up for, I have a link to get you there right here.


Today was a pretty uneventful day! Not much happened, but it is Fat Tuesday so my sister and I went to get Panera after school. My body is making me regret that decision right now, but it was still delicious nonetheless!

Monday, February 16, 2015


Improv Poster

I also managed to make a sick-ass poster for my improv troupe using one of the photos we took last week! I really like it. The initial photo was crappy and we were collectively asked to retouch it. I think I did a pretty awesome job of that!

Productive (?) Evening

It's been a pretty interesting evening for me! My dog Molly has been at the Vet's office all day getting her teeth cleaned/removed and getting minor surgeries, so once she got home she was incredibly out of it and has been adorably galumping through the house all night. My mom just made me take her for a short walk to try to ease her spirits and reinvigorate her somewhat, and I think it helped! 

Other than that, I got a fair amount of reading done for English, AND I had an excellent workout!
Uggggggggh I'm so so tired and I'm nowhere close to being done cleaning my room or finishing my homework and I haven't had a chance to exercise yet and ugggggggghhhhh
I'm about to hit up Panera for lunch with my sister! I'm stoked!!!
Ugggggggggghhhhh my allergies are acting up right now and I'm not about that life at all....


Sleep Tight and check out InboxDollars!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Side note: I'm going to get my sister some candles from for her birthday!

The Job Hunt Continues...

I just found a really solid opportunity in selling jewelry, and I'm kinda excited about it! I won't really be able to do much until I'm settled in at school and whatnot, but if I was able to do well with the opportunity I could really come out of college with a lot of skills, money saved to put towards surviving well throughout Andy's and my artistic endeavors/"starving artist years." I'm really intrigued and excited!!!!


Over the past few days I've discovered a pretty solid service through one of my scholarship websites,! It's one of those sites where you can earn money through doing things like checking emails, taking surveys, searching things, playing games, etc. It's pretty addicting, to be honest! If you are interested in signing up (it's worth it, I promise) PLEASE do so with this link! If only one of you signs up, this will help me level up and earn some extra money from completing a challenge! 

Honestly though it's a solid site, it's pretty reliable, and far from sketchy like many similar services are. If you go with any such service, go with InboxDollars!
Ohhhh my goodness my stomach feels really really bloated from everything today and I'm not looking forward to working out.... On the bright side, my mom and sister got me some new shirts so that might be some great motivation!
I'm going to continue in my exercising/cleaning/homework routine tonight, and I'm about to hit the treadmill! I haven't weighed myself in like two weeks, so I think I'm going to do that tomorrow morning.


Today was a lovely day! I went to mass, and although that's always mehhh it was fairly short today so I can't complain! Then, I killed a little time at Starbucks while waiting for Andy to get home from his mass. I went over to his house, and he made me a lovely brunch!!!! He made a wonderful ham and cheese omelette, his mom helped with making her signature hash browns, and he had strawberries with chocolate for dipping! It was absolutely lovely! Afterwards, we went to see The Imitation Game, and it was a wonderful film!  I only just got home a few minutes ago, but I am so so thankful that I was able to see him today! 


Ahhhhh Netflix....

Ohhhh Netflix is always there to welcome me home...

I just watched a parody of pretty much every teen movie called Not Another Teen Movie and it was surprisingly funny, even though it was fairly explicit! Now, I'm starting a documentary about mankind!!!! WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Although I didn't get to EVERYTHING on my list, I at least did a lot of cleaning and managed to fit in a good treadmill workout! I even jogged some, believe it or not!!!!


I have cleared up soooo many things I'm super proud of myself!!!!! I also found my Multi-Genre Research project from last year which makes me incredibly happy!!!!
I'm finally being productive!!!! Go me!!!!
Ooops I haven't done ANY of the things I've had planned for today! I'm going to start cleaning my room now, though, so that should move things along!

Valentine's Day Playlist

Here's  the playlist Andy sent me, just in case anyone was interested in hearing it!
Well, I won't get to see Andy because HOLY CRAP THE SNOW IS INSANE LIKE I CAN'T EVEN SEE ACROSS THE STREET IT'S RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm actually okay with that since the weather is complete and utter rubbish. I'll just need to haul ass on my homework, exercise, and do some other productive things like clean my room a little more, have a spa hour or two, check up my finances, and so on!


Andy made me a playlist for Valentine's Day and it's really really sweet!!!!!!!!!! I'm really really lucky to have him in my life, he's the sweetest person ever.
I don't really want to work on my homework and stuff, but if I don't I'm going to be all kinds of screwed so I may as well. I also really need to clean my room, exercise, and so on. I'm hopefully going to see Andy this evening, but that depends on the weather so I really ought to get my life in check just in case I'm going to see him.

Ahhhh Valentine's Day...

It's February 14th, and you know what that means!!!! Tomorrow chocolate is about to be 50-75% off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 13, 2015


My Evening

From about 4:30 to midnight, I spent most of my time driving all over northeast Ohio. I drove up to Cleveland State to pick up Andy, we drove through terrifying traffic to Melt- a fantastic restaurant that specializes in grilled cheese-esque sandwiches- then to Severance Hall, then to Akron to take Andy home, then FINALLY back home. 

The concert itself wasn't really a concert so much as it was a unique experience! They were actually showing the Hitchcock's Vertigo while the orchestra played the score!!! It added extra flair to the movie, and oh my goodness Severance Hall is a beautiful venue so the whole experience was very sublime.


I look very fancy shmancy and needless to say I'm quite excited!
Welp, I went on our new treadmill for the first time ever and it was pretty solid! 


I'm sooooo thankful for the long weekend you have no idea!!!!! I've really needed a break from school. It's been tiring and I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere there. I just really need some time off to refresh myself, get back into exercising, and get some inspiration to survive the next few weeks before Spring Break. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015


I've decided to watch lame documentaries about crimes and cults and other such dark things before I go to bed tonight because why not?

Sacha Baron Cohen

I just watched The Dictator, and while I had incredibly low expectations for the movie, it was actually a fairly incredible work of satire. In the very end of the film, Cohen's character delivers a monologue at the United Nations about the beauties of dictatorship that directly paralleled events that are a part of American life, and it was brilliant Juvenalian satire! I honestly think Sacha Baron Cohen is incredibly underrated for his satirical genius.
For a moment, I thought there was a new season of Archer added on Netflix, but alas, I was wrong... I'm looking for something to really binge-watch tonight!

Uggggggggh I'm tired....

Never mind I reached my requirement and surpassed it by slightly less than FIVE MINUTES

Guess who may not graduate?

The tutoring program with the older kids was officially cut today. I can't believe it, honestly...

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I am currently getting ready for my improv troupe's annual photo shoot! I always enjoy these days, although I'd rather be playing and rehearsing.
Despite this major setback, I'll be okay for my service hours! Thank goodness, that was definitely my biggest concern. I really enjoy service, but the pressure of needing a certain amount of hours completed by a certain date in order to graduate is stressful!


Today was an okay day, not too eventful in terms of school things! The biggest event in my day has been tutoring. Today we found out that the Wednesday sessions have been cancelled because the kids cannot behave whatsoever. It was definitely a surprise!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Goodnight!!!!!/1,000TH POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I EXERCISED A LITTLE GO ME!!!!!!!! Goodnight!!!!


So after seeing one of my friends tweeting about how she was getting rid of half the pictures and posts on her Facebook profile, I was inspired to do the same for the sake of my future self. I untagged myself from several photos, deleted entire albums of ugliness and embarrassment, and unfriended tons of people! I still have a lot of work to do (dear lord, the status updates....) but I should be able to wipe this task out in a matter of days. What I really need are decent, current pictures of myself. I hate taking selfies because I lack the confidence to do anything about them, but I'm not about to ask someone to take pictures of me just for the hell of it! Hopefully I can figure something out soon.
I've done everything I could except for my reading for English. I guess that's what study hall is for, after all!


I don't think I'm going to have time to exercise before bed, so I'll try to do a plank, squats, leg lift things, and crunches before I crawl into bed. I've been terrible about exercise lately, and I need to get back at it, even if it's just one step at a time.
I'm blazing through my work, thank goodness!!!!
I should probably start my homework....


Today was pretty dull; there was none of the excitement of the mystery dessert nor wild assemblies, but the day was a solid day nonetheless. I don't have a terrible amount of homework tonight, so I'm going to make sure that I exercise in some way, shape, or form! I may use the new treadmill, do Pilates/a Pinterest workout, or both! I'm going to shoot for both!

I had an in-class essay in English today over Gulliver's Travels, and I think it went well. Fingers crossed it will help fix my grade! Speaking of grades, my teacher was grading my test essay during AP Bio today and told me that I did a fantastic job of it, so I feel a lot more secure regarding that test! I'm still pretty nervous about that, but in the end I know I'll be okay.

Monday, February 9, 2015


Eh, I quit!
On the bright side, I finished my column for Newspaper with ease! Now I'm just gonna read Frankenstein for the rest of the night

Ugggggggggggggh school is stupid and I don't want to do it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm currently stressing out over my grades, but what else is new! I'm also stressing about my body, my social life, my allergies, my future, the whole shebang! Nothing quite like it, am I right?!

A PRICELESS Rent-A-Junior Moment

This was AMAZING OH MY LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Fun Fact: I desperately need to work out at some point today whoops


Today was an incredibly interesting day! First off, when I opened my locker this morning, I was met with a tart (I'm just calling it a tart for now) with caramel, pecans, and chocolate, as well as about a dozen Dove dark chocolates with caramel! There was no indication as to who gave it to me, but eventually I figured out that it was from Dylan. It was partially a belated birthday gift and partially a "sorry for being a dipshit and not realizing that you had asked me to a dance oops oops ooooooops" gift. I'm still looking forward to eating it, it was beautiful!

We had our "Rent-A-Junior" assembly today as well. Rent-A-Junior is basically a cross between slavery and prostitution where juniors perform skits and dances, get auctioned off to the highest bidder, and are essentially that person's slave for the next day and must do anything asked of them (within reason). The money goes towards their senior prom dance, so they are more than excited to do it! It's always entertaining to see what the variuos groups have come up with.

Sunday, February 8, 2015



One of my friends got over 700 retweets on a tweet about how the #ItsOnUs campaign made an appearance at the Grammy's while Eminem, who constantly raps about violence to women, won the Best Rap Album award. A bunch of white boys are trying to fight him about it, it's kinda funny. I'm glad he can handle this like it's no skin off his back, though!

Grammy's 20114/15

I haven't actually watched a single second of the awards show, but I don't really need to when Twitter exists! I'm just holding out for the Oscars, that's really all that I care about in terms of awards shows. I mean the Golden Globes, Tony's, and SAG awards are pretty interesting as well!
I had a beautiful burst of productivity after dinner, but now I just want to curl up into a ball and sleep some more! My allergies are starting to kick up and I
m not a fan of that....
I am in dire need of a nap right now; I have a killer headache and uggggggh my brain hurts!!!!!


I would like to thank the AP Bio gods for the answers to our lab being online and in excruciating detail! That made my life SO much easier!!!!!

Uggggggggggh Homework is STUPID

Guess who still hasn't started her homework?

If you guessed me, you're right!


Homework is stupid and I have no desire whatsoever or even a little motivation required to do it!
My internet is being incredibly slow right now so I'm fairly annoyed!
So far this morning I've been dragged to mass and then to run errands with my mom and sister. It's been pretty bleh, but I'm surviving! I really am not in the mood for school tomorrow, but we at least are going to have a three and a half day week thanks to parent-teacher conferences on Thursday and Friday! I'm pretty stoked about having a long weekend, but knowing my teachers I'll get all kinds of homework to do. I also am going to a concert at Severance Hall with Andy this Friday night, so I'll be counting down! 

Saturday, February 7, 2015



Pippin was a pretty fantastic show! For those unfamiliar with it, Pippin is the story of the son of French king Charlemagne's son, Prince Pippin, and his quest to find complete and utter fulfillment in life from doing something great. The story line itself is very allegorical and a bit trite, but what was really phenomenal about the show were the circus stunts, special effects/illusions, and costumes. The stunts especially were breathtaking! It was an absolute visual feast!!!!! Well, except for the fact that my view was blocked by a large, fat man with a shiny bald head so I was frequently craning my neck.

I was kinda surprised at the amount of people who brought small children to the show because THERE'S A FREAKING ONSTAGE ORGY AND HELLA CUSSING AND SEXUAL INNUENDOS AND SEX SCENES but different strokes for different folks, I guess!

Overall, Pippin was a grand old time and I would see it again and again! Preferably not behind a large man, I want to be able to take everything in at once.

It's gonna be a great day today, I just know it!

So far this morning I've taken my car in to get an oil change and tire rotation, and now I have to get ready to head up to Cleveland to see Pippin with Andy! I'm really looking forward to it!

2/6/15 (the rest of it)

Yesterday was ALSO uneventful, save for a few small moments. In Video Production, we played around with green screens all day which was incredibly fun, and the AP Bio test wasn't nearly as bad as I had thought it would be. The biggest thing from school was a new project that we were assigned in our Social Justice class. It's called the "Advocacy Project," and basically all we do is pick a social issue and do some sort of action outside of the classroom to raise funds/awareness for aiding it. I'm super pumped about this project since 1.) you're actually DOING something good for something that matters to you, and 2.) I have an awesome idea for my project, but practically everyone around me is steamed about having to do it! I don't really understand why, it's annoying really. But despite their crappy attitudes, I'm going to make the most of my project!

Last Night

Last night was a TON of fun! I picked up my friend Victoria who I used to do drama camp with and we had a fun night out. We went to Swenson's for dinner, which was fantastic as always, and then went to the mall to look for a dress for me for the winter formal. We found a fantastic one within 30 minutes, so after that we went around to a bunch of different stores. One of those stores was Hot Topic, and my friend Cameron works there. Victoria thought he was really cute and also incredibly cool, but being as shy about boys as she is, I told Cameron later on that she was into him, and it made him happy because he thought she was really really cute too! I'm just glad that they were both happy, and knowing that I made them somewhat happier makes me happy too!

Thursday, February 5, 2015


I have to give my sister the computer so she can work on a project, so I'm saying goodnight for now!

On the bright side...

I'm going to go dress shopping with one of the girls who I went to drama camp with, and I'm pretty excited!



I'm essentially screwed for my AP Bio test tomorrow, and it's my own damn fault! I put off studying until the last possible second, I didn't write my practice essay, I didn't do shit! It's my own damn fault...
I wasn't even that subtle, like HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN?!


Turns out he was just completely clueless about the whole thing and thought that I was just giving him a CD/storing one in his locker until I could get it for something. Literally, when he FINALLY texted me back, he said "Yeah, do you need it back?" I had to spell it out for him pretty hard core! It's kinda hilarious, though! All's well that ends well, I guess!
I still haven't heard back from Dylan yet... I'm kinda annoyed....


Today was slightly more eventful than the rest of this week! First, there was late-start which was gloooooorious as ever, then I was blessed by the Krispy Kreme gods this morning with glazed donuts, and then I sort-of asked my friend Dylan to our school's winter formal dance! I only "sort-of" did because I still don't have an answer nor any acknowledgement of the fact that I asked from him. I made a CD for him last night, with the first letters in each song title spelling out the name of the dance, then left it in his locker this morning. It was in an INCREDIBLY obvious place, it had my name written on the back, AND I have two classes with Dylan, so plenty of time to give me an answer! I texted him a few minutes ago just to see if he even got it in the first place or if he was somehow oblivious to me asking. Worst case scenario is that someone already asked him, but even then that's not that bad! I can always burn another and give it to someone else. Dylan's just sort of painfully awkward when it comes to dances, so I feel like that's playing a role in this. I'll keep my fingers crossed, I guess!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

I'm heading to improv now! Wooo so exciting!!!!!!


Today was an alright day! Nothing much happened- AGAIN- but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I tutored at the inner-city grade school again today, which went somewhat better than last week did. It didn't help that we hardly had any tutors so we were stuck with four kids per tutor, which NEVER works out well for anyone. 

I'm finally heading back to improv after several months off tonight. I'm super excited! I'm at my grandparent's house right now and they're making me dinner. It's going to be a wonderful evening. And things get even better because TOMORROW IS LATE START THURSDAY AND THERE'S A DONUT SALE LIKE I'M SO SO PUMPED GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


I'm currently engaged in a long-distance lipsynch battle with a person from the DePaul Facebook group over Snapchat. It's casual!


I just ate hella food oops sorry diet my bad!!!!
I'm in the weird side of YouTube right now, and that's okay!

Ehhhhhhh I'm done for the night....


I don't have the answers for the last page!

That amazing moment when...





So I just remembered that this Saturday I'm going up to Playhouse Square to see Pippin! I'm really excited for that, AND I'll get to see Andy up at school so I'm really really pumped!!!!! I'll get to see him next weekend too because we are heading to a symphony show. I'm pretty excited, all of this makes me pretty happy!
I might even have time to exercise, this is great!!!!
On the bright side, I only have to worry about AP Bio now!


Okay, my homework is a lot easier than I thought!

I managed to finish my religion, AND I'm halfway done with my math. My mom only just started cooking, too. Speaking of, I'M STARVING!!!!

I should PROBABLY start my homework....

I have to get something finished before dinner... I'll try to do my math or my AP Bio. If I don't do at least half of one of those assignments before dinner, I won't let myself have dessert. That way, I'm not only sticking to my diet, but I'm disciplining myself!

Woohoo I sure know how to prioritize!

I just did about ten thousand stupid surveys to get points for a scholarship website instead of starting homework. It's casual!

Possible Snow Day, Please?

On the bright side, there's a really slim chance that we're going to have school on Thursday because of ridiculously low temperatures. It's supposed to get down to -6 degrees Fahrenheit  WITHOUT WINDCHILL. It's going to be ridiculously cold!!!!


Today was pretty uneventful. I hardly did anything in any of my classes, but I had really bad cramps and nausea because PMS is a bitch! I spent an hour in the nurse's office with a clinic, which did help somewhat, but now the cramps are coming back to haunt me. I might be getting a camera, I'm pretty excited. The reasons are kinda shitty though. One of the people in my Video Production team left our group, so now we're stuck without a camera. My parents have been looking to get me some sort of "more permanent" nice present for my birthday, so I've recommended a camera and they're going to think about it! I'd love to have a camera of my own, it'd be pretty nice to have that. I know a lot of kids, particularly in the Digital Cinema program, were planning on bringing their cameras to school, so I'm somewhat looking forward to that! 

Even if my parents don't opt to get me a camera, I can save up whatever money they get me to purchase one and that'll be just splendid as well!

Monday, February 2, 2015


Iliza Schlesinger is my new favorite comedian oh my goodness...

At this point I'm just going to give myself a spa night because nothing else matters anymore! WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uggggggh more Teen Angst

I am sick of my father. Earlier he was giving me all kinds of shit for not knowing how to change the lightbulbs in his car, calling me "stupid," "fucking useless," an "idiot," and "a waste of sperm." Honestly, what did he expect to get from his daughter who has only ever had to fill her car with gas or use an air machine at a gas station to fill her tires?! I don't know where we keep our fucking car lightbulbs, SORRY! And I sure the FUCK don't know what to do with one once I found it!
Oh my goodness, I love stand up comics...


I may as well just watch a movie at this point! I could maybe find a way to exercise as I watch, that way I'm not being a complete bum and my parents can't complain...

Uggggggggh working is hard....

I really want to be productive, but I don't want to do schoolwork (AP Bio labs that I have no clue when they're due, AP Stats worksheet that I still haven't started yet...) or work on scholarship essays and applications, or move, or go out to find a job... Uggggggggggggh

Okay, so I've done like 3 scholarship applications today!

That's pretty much all I do anymore. It keeps me busy and makes me feel productive. I don't mind though, I could be doing much worse things with my time! The funny thing is, I keep doing all these other scholarships and none of the scholarships my mom asked me to apply for! Like the "Optimist Club" scholarship. I'm not a really optimistic person. I don't think this scholarship is really cut out for me! I'm going to try to finish it today so I can turn it in tomorrow.
I really don't want to do anything today! I'm not really in the mood to do anything, really.

Last Night

So at around halftime during the Superbowl, our power went out completely. We had no electricity or heat, so we were pretty screwed. We used our phone data to watch school closings, and thankfully our school called off. Even if they hadn't we couldn't leave our house anyways since the county is in a Level 2 Snow Emergency, which means we can't go anywhere unless it's necessary. The power came on again last night around 2 in the morning, so I'm just glad it came back! Now I have a lovely snow day at my disposal!

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Ugggggggggggh I hate my parents.....

They complain on and on about how they want me to spend more time with them and to talk to them, but when I do they berate me, make fun, of me and tell me that I'm too critical/insert adjective here! And they have to wonder why the hell I don't want to be anywhere near them?! 

Literally my dad asked me to tell him about the conference yesterday and I did! But he kept interrupting me because "I speak too quickly" and to tell me that I was being too critical of everything! THERE IS A REASON WHY I DON'T LIKE TO TALK TO MY PARENTS, AND THAT IS PRECISELY THAT REASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, my mom is insisting that I spend time with her in the kitchen which I sure the fuck refuse to do after the incident with dad and her being a giant pain in the ass all day long so I've decided to watch the stupid Superbowl instead so that I can at least be at peace for the evening!!!!!!





Please let there be no school tomorrow, pleeeeeeease....

Snow please?

Blargh I want more Snow

Ugggggggh I just want my school's administration to call off tomorrow already! I don't feel like working hard anymore!!!! I just want to have a relatively relaxing evening involving as little of the Superbowl and as little work as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Black History Month!

Diet Update

I had my first weigh-in since I sprained my ankle today! I'm officially under 160 pounds (well, barely at 159.9 pounds, but for not getting any exercise for two weeks I can't complain!) I'm going to try to exercise today, but not do anything that requires me to put too much pressure on my ankles like running or yoga moves that involve standing. I'll do some Pilates and perhaps some little calisthenic things like arm workouts and the like. I just really need to start taking strides to get back into exercising until my ankle is fully healed and I can go back to more intense cardio and strength training.

Superbowl Sunday? More like SCHOLARSHIP Sunday!

I've basically spent my day working on scholarship essays and applications, and I'm not even mad! My goal is to finish two of the applications today and get a lot of work done on a third essay.
My dad and dog are about to watch the Puppybowl on Animal Planet and it's kinda the most precious thing ever!
I had a pretty solid lunch just now! I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich and had cottage cheese and apple slices with caramel. Now I just have to watch the snow and work on scholarship essays!
Uggggggggghhhhhh I don't want to do homework or anything today...... I just want it to keep snowing and snowing and snowing so my school can call off early and then I know for sure if I can sleep in tomorrow or not! Depending on when my school calls off, I'll exercise or watch something on Netflix, or both! I'll finish my work first, of course, but after that I'll do whatever I feel like doing. I'm supposed to watch the Superbowl commercials tonight for my video production class and pick out my favorites/the best ones, but if we get a snow day tomorrow I may just record the game tonight and fast-forward to the commercials and watch those. I may just use our new treadmill and walk and watch in our basement tonight. That'll be quite the workout.
After I finished my pancakes and stuff last night, I didn't relax for very long because I fell asleep within 20 minutes! I slept from about 7:00 to 7:30 this morning, and I feel sooooooo much better than I did before! I still don't feel ready to start the day today, yet. I just want to lay in bed a while longer.