THIS GIRL'S!!!!!!!!!! You remember how I was worried that he'd call the school and lead to the boycotting of Spring Awakening for everybody (which was a long shot) but doubted that anything would come of it, even if he contacted the school? Well everything that I thought could go wrong did and then some!
He not only emailed the principal last night, he called this morning to ensure that his email was read! I went in to visit my director "K" before school started to warn him of any impending calls from my father, and he told me that not only did my dad contact the school, K was about to meet with the principal to discuss the whole thing!
At the end of the day, we were all emailed a copy of a letter from the principal detailing the fact that we would not be allowed to see Spring Awakening. I'm soooooo glad my dad ruined that experience for everybody, and that my friend won't have anyone in the audience there to cheer him on!!!!! I feel FABULOUS!!!!!!
And the worst part is is that this entire thing is all his fault. I hope he's really fucking happy with himself!!!! I've had my issues with my dad before, but this is the last straw for me. I don't even want to talk to him. I genuinely mean it when I say that I look forward to the day when I'm completely comfortable and financially independent and can cut him out of my life. That probably won't be until I'm at least thirty, so I've got twelve years to go, now...
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