I had a pretty good time in Chicago! We took a lot of side roads on the way out of Ohio which was pretty interesting. My favorite piece of small-town Americana that I witnessed was a pawn shop sign that said "SELLING OLD JEW" because the "ELRY" portion of the sign fell off. Thursday night we got into Chicago pretty close to midnight, so I was incredibly tired. I managed to survive my dad's snoring throughout the whole trip by packing headphones and sleeping with music on!
Friday morning we got up fairly early and took the El to the Michigan Avenue area to get breakfast at a restaurant called Wildberry. It was FANTASTIC!!!! They specialize in fancy shmancy pancakes and have pancakes like Oreo pancakes, Tirimasu pancakes, and more available! I had a cinnamon roll pancake and it was possibly the best breakfast that I had ever eaten! After Wildberry, we split up and left my sister to shop around while my mom, dad, and I took another train to DePaul's Loop campus for the College of Computing and Digital Media event. The event itself was ehhh, but I did get to meet my roommate for next year, Tori, and she was pretty nice! She had a really good sense of humor, and I think we'll have fun together. I also met one of the people from the Facebook group who is actually someone that I would love to be friends with, Mykala, and she was also incredibly nice and a lot of fun based off the time I got to spend with her. After the first academic information session, my mom left my dad and I to meet up with my sister so they could tour Loyola. After about an hour, my dad and I decided to head back to the hotel and then napped the afternoon away. It was pretty nice, honestly!
This morning, we went to our favorite little breakfast place by DePaul, Jam n' Honey, and I had eggs Benedict which was as lovely as ever! Then, we took a (not really impactful but not that bad of an experience) tour of the Lincoln Park campus since my dad hasn't seen it yet. After that, we trucked our way home and I've unpacked and started relaxing ever since I returned!
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