I'm so freaking nervous about tomorrow. SO. SO. NERVOUS.
I'm nervous about Newspaper because my story and design were due days ago. I'm nervous for AP Bio because I'm thisclose to having to take an additional exam and I cannot afford to miss a single point on ANY assignment, and I mean any! I'm nervous about video production because I still have no footage for one of my projects. I'm nervous for AP Stats because I have no clue as to what is happening. I'm nervous about all my AP Tests because I just don't feel ready at all. I feel so so overwhelmed.
And I'm nervous about asking my friend to Prom as well. Like I know he'll say yes, but it's still super nerve-wracking, like what if I mess up all my words and just sound and look like a complete idiot? What if, minutes before I ask, somebody else does so he has to say no to me? What if there's somehow something unattractive about me in that moment and he gets super grossed out? Like I know a lot of this is super unlikely, but it's still every bit as terrifying, ya know?
I just need to really really really relax, not have to go to school for a few weeks, and forget about everything. I feel so flustered, confused, nervous, and overall on edge about everything. Like I'm simultaneously super excited and super terrified to face the day tomorrow. It really shouldn't be like this but I can't help it!!!!!!!
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