I started the day off by being screamed at to wake up and get ready by my mother and having her bark at me periodically to move faster so I could continue to be a garage sale slave. People WHO ARE CLEARLY ILLITERATE SINCE THEY CAN'T SEEM TO READ THE FREAKING TIME MENTIONED ON THE SIGNS AND IN THE AD WE PLACED started showing up at 8:15. We planned to open up at 9! Needless to say, I was furious. I was angered even more by said illiterate asshats who had parked in our driveway and blocked me in when I needed to drive out and place signs all around my neighborhood. I still hadn't had breakfast, so I was in no mood to be trifled with. Nonetheless, people kept trifling and trifling with me!
I had to work the sale alone while my mom worked and my sister was out golfing. My grandma, aunt, and great aunt (who all were selling things in our sale and taking up all of our space with their useless junk like glass bottles and Ball jars) came throughout the day and helped me out some.
On top of singlehandedly running this sale for my mother, she had the nerve to give me a freaking CHORE LIST. Because no matter how much I'm doing, it's never enough!
We only had a handful of customers all day, aside from the asshats who came before we were even ready, and still have an ungodly amount of junk to get rid of tomorrow. It was ungodly hot outside, and I'm incredibly hungry and dehydrated. Hopefully, more people will buy things tomorrow and make the whole ordeal worth it. Ideally, I'd like to make $100, but I'm pretty doubtful we'll get there.
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