Sunday, November 30, 2014

Well, I've been kinda productive but not really for the past few hours, so go me!


That's right, I've done things!!!!! I got things done!!!!! THIS IS REAL LIFE!!!!!!!


As much as I despise the song, "Lazy Song" by Bruno Mars basically sums up my day. I have no motivation. I want to nap. I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I wanna jump off a cliff when I get to Honors Government... I wanna jump off a cliff just because I can.... 
Welp, my biology homework passed by surprisingly quickly! Now I just have to work on my Stock Market project for Economics and my domestic violence research paper for Morality! Aaaaaaand all the chores my mom has lined up for me...

I also want to try to get some exercise today. It just occurred to me that I'm going to be in Aruba over spring break, which means swimsuits and beaches and stuff... 
I wonder if I can match the pageviews I had last month.... I need about 100 more by the end of the day to get there, but I think I can handle that! Maybe. I really don't know. I guess it doesn't make much of a difference in the end, all that matters is that someone, somewhere is reading my blog and knows that I exist, and that's pretty freaking cool.


Ohhh yikes I feel really bad because I've basically ignored my other two blogs all through the past week. I've gotta try to be better about posting on those blogs, but I've just been so so so so busy over break. I mean even my personal blog (this one) hasn't had nearly as many posts on it as per usual! Holidays always kinda mess me up when it comes to my motivation and stuff.
Also, I completely forgot that December is tomorrow and I still need to get some presents for people... oops.....

That shows how much attention I've been paying to the time all-around. 
I really need to kick my ass into gear with my homework- I haven't done a single thing that I had planned to do over break as far as the essays and projects go...


Yesterday I spent the day with Andy which is why I didn't blog at all. It was a fantastic day all around, and I already can't wait to see him again over Christmas break!