Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Contemplating North Korea for some odd Reason

I just watched a really fascinating documentary on North Korea. With the whole hullabaloo (ohhh I love that word) with the Seth Rogen and James Franco stoner-comedy The Interview it's seemed pretty essential as of late to really understand what is happening in that country. Having been the butt of jokes in America for ages, it's easy to believe that the country itself is not a threat. However, I (and I'm sure many other people) had heard and read stories that seemed too cruel to be true: tales of a mass execution in a stadium- the offense being watching American movies (despite the vast film collection of the country's supreme leader), stories from escaped guards of the brutal work camps, and the stories of expatriates who miraculously survived the hardship of escaping the country. It seems surreal to think that in a world where everybody is so so connected and involved with one another, one lone, small nation is telling the rest of the world where they can stick their globalization efforts while simultaneously destroying all of its citizens through boundless cruelty. The worst part is, no nation has truly stepped up to say "Hey, this is wrong." Part of that comes from the nuclear power that small nation possesses, but nonetheless it is still shocking that hardly effort has been taken to help those brainwashed, dying people. With America's tendency to take on wars in order to "preserve and promote democracy," why aren't we putting effort into doing that where it's needed most? 

I guess the blatantly obvious answer to that question is that North Korea has nothing to offer us in return (coughcoughMIDDLEEASTERNOILcough). It's kinda shameful.
Tonight we went to my dad's swearing-in ceremony! It was basically an hour and a half of meeting strangers and getting awkward hugs from creepy old men that I hardly know! 10/10 would not do again. On the bright side, I won't have to go to any more of those events since my dad has six years to go before he needs to run again!
Believe it or not, I actually exercised today! I went on a short walk with my dog and my sister. My sister's been on a health kick, so she's been using all these different apps. She showed me a few. I like the MyFitnessPal app. It's really easy to use and it covers a lot of bases. 

I have a headache right now and I kinda need to take a nap but I lack the motivation to turn off the lights in my room. Ohhh lazy-girl First-World problems...
Hello world! I haven't done much today, but I did make the breakfast of champions! I made a breakfast sandwich with egg whites, cheese, and Canadian bacon and then I made myself a smoothie with strawberries, spinach, a little banana (I detest bananas and will only put a tiny amount in the smoothies I make), and some orange juice! It was all really delicious. I plan on getting some exercise today. I really need to get back on track with my health.