Friday, November 14, 2014

Cat Cafes

So apparently "cat cafes" are a thing now in Montreal! Andy was telling me about them and I firmly believe that they need to exist in the United States ASAP. Basically, you go to a cafe that has a gazillion cats inside of it and you just go around and cuddle whichever cats you want to cuddle and play with kitties all day!!!! That (besides the whole "I'm allergic to cats" thing) sounds like my kind of place! 

Blogging schemes

I think I might start operating a few more blogs now. Having just the one is great, but the weird thing about this blog is that it's not exactly cohesive. There's no one, unifying factor that gives it a theme. I started this as a food blog, then it gradually turned into a diary of sorts that people around the world have been reading. There's no structure to this blog, it's kinda all over the place. I don't mind it though, there's nothing wrong with a personal blog. Anyways, I'm going to try to put together a few blogs that better categorize my different hobbies and passions. I'm gonna take my recipes and put them in a "proper" food blog, keep up with my journalism blog, create a theater/film blog of reviews and other things, and perhaps a blog about feminism. Once I get them all created and get some content onto them, I'll post the links to them on here from time to time in case y'all want to check them out. 



I almost made a separate page for my newspaper articles, since I'm constantly talking about that class on this  blog, and I've made a separate blog instead! Here is the link to my new portfolio blog. I'll be posting my stories from both last year and this year. I no longer have any digital copies of my stories from my first year on the paper, but I may have a way to recover them. 

I really like the template that I have on my new blog, so I think I'm going to work on applying it to this blog.
I've spent the entire night working on a potential centerspread for newspaper all about feminism. For the next two weeks we're just gonna be working on feature articles, columns, and potential centerspread ideas- things that aren't time sensitive. I don't know if it'll ever see the light of day, but regardless I'm really proud of it. I already have a design idea for it. Regardless of if it gets in or not, I'll post the majority of it here just so somebody sees it! If there was some way for me to post a final design on here, I'll do that once I've got it.


Today my week went out with a fizzle instead of a bang. My throat feels less sore, but more scratchy and obnoxious than it did last night. It was just a rough day trying to get out of bed and get through the week. I survived the day fine, it just dragged on and on and on for ages. 

I'm just really thankful that it's the weekend. I'm sick of school and sick of a lot of the people in it at the moment.