Monday, January 5, 2015


Sooooo I have no clue what I'm doing with my math homework since it's been about three weeks since I learned the stuff that's on it! Sooooooooooooooooo I'm giving up on that dream and exercising for a few minutes before starting up one of those religion essays.


The first day back from break wasn't too atrocious. I didn't do much in my classes; in fact, I'm watching movies in two of them! Senior slide is hitting hard and fast. I'm gonna do my math homework, exercise for about half an hour, then maybe work ahead on some assignments. My religion teacher is gone for the next two weeks, so our final assignment is to type up FIVE one-page essays on the movie/miniseries Nuremberg due Saturday, but I may want to work ahead on those assignments that way I can maybe spend some time with Andy Friday night before he heads back to school on Saturday. 

Overall, today was pretty ehh, and I just hope that I can see Andy at the end of the week. That'd make the whole "going back to school" thing a lot less horrible.