Saturday, August 1, 2015

Garage Sale from HELL: Day 3

It is finished. 

And instead of going out with a bang as we hoped (even a snap, crackle, pop, or POW would've been greatly appreciated), it went out with a slow, whiny fizzle.

We did not sell a single thing.

That's right! After all the work we put into setting up, advertising, and running the weak sale, we hardly made off with anything. I didn't even hit $100, but even then I was luckier than some of my other relatives. My Grandma didn't even make it to $20!

Needless to say, it was a very flawed, rough attempt at a garage sale, and you can expect a post to tell you all the things NOT to do to make sure you have a successful (or at least decent) garage sale in the near future.