Monday, January 26, 2015


Today was an interesting day, sort of. Our local school district had a two-hour delay because of snow, and contrary to her typical character, my mom actually let my sister and I go in to school later. We were able to get there with more than enough time to spare, so we got donuts. The only reason we even bothered to go in at all was because I had an in-class essay for AP English. After that, I basically did nothing in school all day. I even managed to finish all of my homework in my study hall!

After school, we had strike for the one-acts show. For those of you who are unfamiliar with theater things, strike is the event where the set is deconstructed, costumes and props are put away, the space is cleaned up and returned to its original condition, and so forth. It's usually not that difficult at all, and sometimes even fun! However, today's was especially rough.

The fall play is going to be performed at the Ohio State Theater Conference, and because of that all of the set pieces needed to be moved to this garage about a mile and a half away from the theater to be stored until the conference. This wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't 21 degrees Fahrenheit and snowing outside and if over half the cast and crew didn't show up/ditched halfway through. It was rough, and the only people that stuck it out were me (and I am not supposed to be lifting heavy objects so I was pretty useless), our director, a gaggle of small freshmen who did the best they could to help, one strong-ish boy, and a few girls who, like the freshmen, did the best they could. It was rough. Once I got home, I went straight to bed.

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