Sunday, March 1, 2015

Pet Peeve: Elitist Attitudes

Okay, so there aren't many things that make my skin crawl, but I absolutely despise when people walk around believing themselves to be better than everybody else in the room because they're taking an advanced course/received a scholarship/got some fancy award or title/are doing something cool in their spare time. I don't have any problem with people doing those things and getting those achievements and opportunities, however when people nonchalantly brag about it or look down on those who don't meet the same/similar standards that they have managed to set for themselves. 

I see this constantly on the DePaul Facebook page. As excited as I am to meet many of these people and to establish new ties and create lasting friendships, I HATE seeing people bragging about getting a scholarship or an interview or doing the honors program or whatever. I'm envious, obviously, but the fact that they flaunt their successes in the face of hundred's of others' failures disgusts me. Like I just read through a comment thread on a post asking "who all is doing the Honors Program next year LOL?" and uggggggggggggggggggggh people!!!!!

Sample comments included people comparing ACT/SAT test scores, passive-aggressive comments insulting the book choices of their fellow students while presenting him or herself as the paragon of literary taste, commenting on housing and their desire to "stay away from all the rowdiness outside of the Honors floor," etc. 

Like come ON, you shouldn't have to compare your test scores like dick sizes to try to see who's the biggest. 

My dad was incredibly set on me joining the Honors Program at DePaul, but this would in no way be the best choice for me because:

  1. None of the classes in the Honors curriculum pertain to my career goals or involved skills that I've already learned/have mastery of.
  2. If I did the Honors college, I would not be able to use the credits I've earned from my AP exams to get me out of my GenEd courses, which would slow down my career path.
  3. There's no way I'd want to sit in a room with those people and attempt to hold a discussion, since they're so obviously full of themselves.
Thankfully, my mother was the voice of reason in this issue and was able to get my dad to lay off.

Another hazardous thing of this sort of attitude is a heightened ability to not emphasize with others. When you think you're better than everybody else, what's the point in even bothering to help other people when they need it? 

It's hard to put the feeling into words, but overall it annoys/angers me a lot.

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